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Thursday Gratitudes.

One of the things I try to do when I get stressed out (lots of stuff on my plate right now - good stuff, but stuff nonetheless) is write up a list of gratitudes.

It's an attempt to change my outlook, to refocus and get myself moving forward once again.

Here's my list for today:

1. Working from home. There are positives and negatives to this set-up, but overall I love it and am really thankful that both Chris and I have the chance to work from home.
2. Chris waking up first and making the coffee.
3. Simon still snuggled in his bed still fast asleep at's the first day of summer sleep-in
4. A hydrangea that will bloom for the first time this year.
5. Parking our car in the garage...we keep forgetting that we can and every time we do we talk about how awesome it is (little things, right?)
6. Seeing all Lily's (our black lab) tennis balls in the floor of my studio. Yesterday there were five. Right now she is picking up and dropping her ball on the dining room floor and chasing it as it rolls away and then repeating the whole thing again.
7. Getting ready to teach a new class in Chicago next week. Packing kits and thinking about the students and getting excited to have another experience with a new group of people.
8. So thankful that my niece was born safe and sound just about on time. No NICU this time around for my sister-in-law, brother, and new baby. Even more excited to meet little Lucy soon.

Note: As I sat here writing this list this morning I actually found it to be tough to think
of things. That's a pretty good sign to me that I am out of sync with
feeling thankful on a daily basis. Definitely something I need
to work on again - time to pull out my gratitude file and get to writing things down.

If you are feeling up to it, I would love to read what you are thankful for today.

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166 thoughts

  1. tami says…

    i am thankful for my 16 year old niece who drove me (and my two kids) 1.5 hours home today and that she will be spending the night
    i am thankful for friends who talked with me about losing her beautiful daughter
    i am thankful to be going to Disney with my husband in two days
    i am thankful for a new ipod to make this trip a little bit better

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  2. margaret says…

    I'm thankful for good health and a happy (mostly) family (husband, kids/their spouses, grands) and for the birds that come to our yard at work: bluejays, red-bellied woodpeckers, palm warblers and THEIR babies that they bring with them.
    You remind me that I should post photos on my blog of the feathered moms & babies which which I get to share my life.

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  3. heather says…

    I am thankful to my friend for directing me here...
    An incredible, incredible father and son!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Deborah P says…

    So many things to be thankful for and one of them is that people are willing to stop and post what they are thankful for - think how contagious those (now) positive attitudes will be today!
    The biggest little thing that I'm thankful for right this minute is my decision last night to store my rubber stamps in baskets/buckets according to type/theme rather than keeping them in the plastic storage containers most of them came in (StampinUp). This is such a small thing, but my stamp storage was NOT working for me and it irritated me every time I entered my scrap area. I saw you kept stamps in buckets or tins some time ago, but for some reason felt I needed to keep stamp sets together. Finally I had a lightbulb moment and realized there was actually no good reason to keep them together, so I've sorted them as I'm likely to use them and now I can't wait to use all those stamps, the majority of which have never been touched!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Ana says…

    Thanks for reminding us that it's good to acknowledge the good things on our lives, Ali.
    I am thankful tomorrow is my last day of work and I'll enjoy some vacation time!
    I am thankful for my healthy pregnancy and no problems so far with me or the baby.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Melissa says…

    We are thankful for the news that we are having a baby girl. After a miscarriage we overjoyed and thankful that this pregnancy is going so well.

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  7. LizP says…

    I am thankful that it is a sunny day in Eugene!

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  8. Ginger says…

    What a great reminder for me, thanks, Ali! I tend to let the little things bog me down and get very stressed out so this is an excellent mental exercise for me. Here's what I'm thankful for today:
    1. A gorgeous Minnesota day that allowed my kids and I to meet up with friends at the park for a picnic lunch.
    2. My Tassimo machine. I get up and quickly brew one cup of coffee for myself (my hubby doesn't like coffee) and I'm happy as a clam.
    3. Good books. I'm reading a good novel right now and it really allows me to escape and makes me feel calm and relaxed.
    4. My friends. I'm so grateful for my moms club -- such an amazing group of women and kids.
    5. Thankful that my good friend and I are getting together to scrapbook Friday night. We always have some much fun.
    6. Very, very thankful for "my boys". I have a wonderful husband, 2-year-old, and 5-year-old.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jen says…

    Today I'm thankful for
    1. a sweet friend with a wonderfully positive attitude
    2. a good night's sleep
    3. a day just to focus on working and checking stuff off my "to-do" list
    4. the clouds outside, because it would be hard to focus on work if it were a sunny day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Nicole says…

    Hi, Ali:
    I am thankful rides, cool breeze on a hot day, and my husband arriving home safely. And new scrap goodies that came in the mail today!
    But, I would REALLY be thankful if we got taken off the waiting list for your Chicago class and were able to meet you and take the class. :) Me and 4 friends from Michigan had planned a ladies-only road trip to Chicago, but we were informed that the class was already closed. Any chance that you would have 5 more open slots? I told my road-trip buddies that I'm not above begging when it comes to this!!
    In all seriousness, thanks for the reminder to be deliberate about cultivating and nurturning an attitude of thankfulness....I needed the reminder.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Marge says…

    Am feeling blue today - 2 friends suffering from breast cancer (and I'm a lung cancer survivor) - one of them is going through a very bad time, so perhaps this will make me feel better.
    1. That I AM a survivor.
    2. That I have my faith which helps me to help my friends cope with what they're going through.
    3. That I have beautiful twin grandchildren.
    4. That I get to work from home a couple of days a week, also.
    5. That it's such a beautiful day today.
    Thanks, Ali, for helping me put things in perspective.

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  12. Nicole says…

    good books and wading pools :)
    oh and farmers markets!

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  13. Paula says…

    I'm thankful that I get to stay at home with my kids. I had a part time job stint last year and didn't make enough money to make it worthwhile, but I did make everyone appreciate me more I think. My kids are 15, 14 and 7 and wow...I need to be on the teenagers just about every minute.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Mel says…

    Ok-it's petty, but I'm thankful that the maids who clean my house come tomorrow!
    I'm also thankful for a hubby who loves me and two adorable kids....but, that clean house is really appealing right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lisa B. says…

    SUMMERTIME!!! Sleeping in...reading...great trips to the DH of 29 years...your blog...being able to extremely messy house (because that means we as so blessed with so much cool stuff that there is no room for it all even in 3800 sq ft!) darling DIL...our online...the fishing trip this weekend...and lots of freshly caught fish from last week.

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  16. Corie in Indy says…

    I'm thankful for my hubby. Today is our ninth anniversary. I am also thankful for the usual things - my kiddos (love 'em) and family being most important. Specifically today, I'm thankful for a full day of fun work (layout stuff for a newsletter) and a break from writing. My brain is done for the week!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kristin - Switzerland says…

    I am thankful for
    1. the sun! It has finally shined!
    2. My husband who always knows the right thing to say when i am feeling down.
    3. For my friends, who have become my family while I am living on the other side of the world from my own family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. carole says…

    Thankful for being alive after difficult pregnancies and birth, for having a fabulous husband, with me right now (Navy), watching football on TV when I've heard yesterday evening that a navy wife lost her husband from brain cancera few days ago. They have 6 children. Thankful to have such a happy life, fresh food and even chocolate for my 4 children, apple of my eyes, a house when so many people are struggling. thankful for being me, right now. Tired and ready to go to sleep at 9!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Irene says…

    Beautiful post, Ali.
    Today I am grateful for
    1. The old man in the street who walked the dog this morning and said good morning. As we don't know each other.
    2. A 5 minute walk on the moor behind our house.
    3. That we were home from school just in time before the rain started pouring down
    4. All the cuddles and hugs I got from my 5-year old.
    5. The two strawberries in the garden.
    6. That I like my job with wonderful colleagues.
    7. For having a few good friends
    8. And most of all: I have a wonderful family with the love of my life and our wonderful son.
    9. That I discovered scrapbooking and that I am developing my skills as an artist.
    10. For the sunshine after the rain.
    11. a little long nap.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Amy Wilson says…

    Decisions for Christ at VBS this week!

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  21. Paulette Sarsfield says…

    I so needed to be reminded of this yesterday... TODAY I am:
    Thankful high school exams are over REGARDLESS of the outcome.
    Thankful for my life, the way it is right now.
    Thankful for a very healthy family(so thankful for that).
    Thankful to have a vegetable garden, a nice big "grown by me" vegetable garden...
    Thankful for so many loving friends.
    Thankful for XM radio & Oprah.
    Thankful my BFF will be back home soon.

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  22. Rachel Smirh says…

    It's pretty special that you are so willing to share yourself so openly. Thank you.

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  23. Ali says…

    i've been so grateful lately for many things...
    1. for the birth of our first child, lily kate and for her amazing progress in the NICU so far.
    2. for such a supportive husband, family and amazing friends.
    3. for the wonderful nurses and doctors in the NICU who take care of lily everyday.
    4. for every ounce of weight she gains.
    5. for every time i can hold her.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Angela says…

    Today I am thankful for taking the time this week to be a tourist in my own city. After dropping my daughter off at an acting camp in downtown Austin, I took my camera and wandered around. I've lived here for 5 years and have wanted to do this for almost as long. My daughter will start kindergarten in the fall, so I'm hoping to do things like this more often.
    Thanks for sharing your grateful list. I am also grateful to find inspiration such as this that reminds me to reflect each day.

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  25. Lenyse says…

    I am always thankful for my salvation and family. Today I am especially thankful for my sister's baby who was born Tuesday, and who are both healthy and home!

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