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Thursday Gratitudes.

One of the things I try to do when I get stressed out (lots of stuff on my plate right now - good stuff, but stuff nonetheless) is write up a list of gratitudes.

It's an attempt to change my outlook, to refocus and get myself moving forward once again.

Here's my list for today:

1. Working from home. There are positives and negatives to this set-up, but overall I love it and am really thankful that both Chris and I have the chance to work from home.
2. Chris waking up first and making the coffee.
3. Simon still snuggled in his bed still fast asleep at's the first day of summer sleep-in
4. A hydrangea that will bloom for the first time this year.
5. Parking our car in the garage...we keep forgetting that we can and every time we do we talk about how awesome it is (little things, right?)
6. Seeing all Lily's (our black lab) tennis balls in the floor of my studio. Yesterday there were five. Right now she is picking up and dropping her ball on the dining room floor and chasing it as it rolls away and then repeating the whole thing again.
7. Getting ready to teach a new class in Chicago next week. Packing kits and thinking about the students and getting excited to have another experience with a new group of people.
8. So thankful that my niece was born safe and sound just about on time. No NICU this time around for my sister-in-law, brother, and new baby. Even more excited to meet little Lucy soon.

Note: As I sat here writing this list this morning I actually found it to be tough to think
of things. That's a pretty good sign to me that I am out of sync with
feeling thankful on a daily basis. Definitely something I need
to work on again - time to pull out my gratitude file and get to writing things down.

If you are feeling up to it, I would love to read what you are thankful for today.

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166 thoughts

  1. Kathy W says…

    I am thankful for:
    medical tests coming back negative (so far) for breast cancer, my loving spouse, employment, my son and stepdaughters and how they want to make a difference in the world, the herbs growing in my pots in the backyard..such a thrill to go out and snip what I need for fresh salad dressing, my craft room that gives me creative escape, my eyesight so that I can read, my dancing community that shares in my deepest passion of fellowship and movement, air conditioning which is helping me survive summer in Utah, airplanes that allow me to go back to the green of the Pac. NW for visits. Headed to Seattle this weekend for a wedding; hope you have a good weekend too.

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  2. Melissa says…

    So much to be thankful for in general but specifically today I am thankful for the impromptu lunch my boys and I had with dad. Also, glad to have time to run by my favorite scrapbook store and get my creative juices flowing and that I just folded the last of the laundry!! Yep, it's a great day.

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  3. tara pollard pakosta says…

    thankful for:
    1.) got to scrapbook yesterday
    2.) my puppy had his 1st birthday!
    3.) ava is scrapbooking with me today.
    4.) my girls love to read.
    5.) i started a bible study (by myself) and it felt good to actually read the bible for a first time in a LONG TIME!
    6.) sunshine.
    7.) that my girls play wonderfully together
    8.) that my 8 year old is writing her first fiction chapter book and is on page 60!
    9.) a good book or 10.
    10.) sunglasses>!

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  4. Scrappyjen says…

    Woke up in a bit of a funk this morning. I so needed this shift in thinking - Thanks Ali!
    1. The prospect of a new romance - ohh butterflys and giggles.
    2. Being on holidays from uni
    3. Seeing friends during the day
    4. Finishing all my assignments on time - and to standard. Woo Hoo!
    5. All the blessings God is pouring out in my life right now. Everyday I seem to be drawing nearer to Him and surprised by the little things He shows me.
    Ali I really needed this. Thanks again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Nancy says…

    I'm thankful that I have a daughter that has been able to step up to the plate and hold her ground against doctors and nurses concerning her first born son (Tyse) who was born with the cord around his neck, resulting in Cerebral Palsy. She is strong, sweet, loving, and caring. She is the best mommy for Tyse. I am grateful God gave me such a daughter. Love you Jennie!!

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  6. Shay says…

    I'm thankful that most of the time I'm a "glass if half full - or even overflowing!" kind of gal. However, when the glass feels half empty (like tonight), I'm thankful that I can find a group of people who remind me to focus on the blessings in my life that I certainly haven't earned and too often take for granted.
    I need to sleep on it at the moment, but I have a feeling that by planting this seed, I will wake up with some authentic, heartfelt gratitude starting to sprout.

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  7. jackie says…

    Oh like many, I could ramble on and on about how high gas prices are etc, but that has NEVER been my style. My glass is never half empty....
    I am thankful for a beautiful, bright 3.5 year old little boy that makes my stare into amazement on a daily basis. I so appreciate having an incredible husband who is also the most amazing daddy I have ever seen.
    I am thankful for the fact that I have the entire summer off from teaching, yet the fact that even though I have Multiple Sclerosis, I am still ABLE to teach. I truly believe that I have this disease for a reason and it must be to educate others about it.
    I appreciate my health insurance and the fact that there are meds to keep me feeling as great as I do.
    Living in Florida and enjoying LIFE to the fullest. What could be better?

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  8. Leah says…

    Right now I'm thankful for the rain.. although it means I'm inside, I don't have to water the garden (quite the chore!), and, oh, that smell. just wonderful.

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  9. Praisley says…

    I'm thankful for you and all the joy you share with your scrapbooking:) Don't get me wrong...I have a lot to be thankful for but right now, at this are it:) Whenever I buy one of your books and view your blog or read one of your articles, I know it is going to be inspiring, beautiful, and applicable to my own life. How wonderful is that! Very, I say. Very wonderful. Thanks, Ali. Thank you very much.

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  10. Dawn says…

    I started my own gratitude journal for the first time in my life a week ago. It's been far more difficult than I ever expected!
    Today I am grateful for:
    -dressing up to feel pretty even though I feel exhausted and frumpy; it worked
    -alternating people watching, chatting w/my friend, and doing quality work at a popular cafe
    -that my newly placed tire patch is holding up! also thankful for the knowledge and caring of the tire guys who patched up my flat
    -the joys of a newly blossoming romantic relationship
    -seeing this blog topic, which is yet another reminder to persist with writing daily gratitude, despite how grumpy I feel

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  11. nan says…

    I am thankful I got in your class in Chicago!! :)
    I am also thankful for:
    working from home - it helps with the work stress and I can play with my puggy.
    I survived a horrific year of my hubby and dog's death and my nasty life saving surgery
    I am thankful for friends who keep me "real".
    I am thankful that I have rediscovered my crafty side. I can't get over how much I missed it. It is like being reborn in a way.
    I am thankful for a perfect little doggy who keeps me on my toes and provides constant companionship.
    I can't wait to meet you Ali! Nan

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  12. Heather says…

    A few days late but better late than never!
    I'm grateful for
    1) my two cats, even if they knocked over a plant and tracked mud around the house yesterday.
    2) my job because not many people actually use their college degrees these days.
    3) my boss because he's too cool for school ;) and he helps me look for a more permanent position without being mad at me for trying.
    4) my apparent artistic ability that I don't see but others seem to admire.
    5) my amazing friends, boyfriend, and family for being such awesome people.
    6) the internet for allowing me to blog and post my Project 365 pictures and connect with loved ones and new friends.

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  13. All Moments Remembered says…

    I am forever thankful and grateful for the incredible friends I have on my message board!! They make me smile every single day.

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  14. brenda hubbard says…

    What a great idea. I think I am also going to start Thankful Thursday on my blog - look for it next Thursday. I hope it is OK if I link to your blog. If it's not, please let me know and I will remove the link. (I'm not sure what proper blog etiquette is). Oh, and today I am thankful for your blog - you are such a talented and inspiring woman. Thank you.

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  15. Tiffanyd says…

    Thanks for making us think about what we are thankful for. I am so thankful for my childrens' and my health. I see so many people who are sick or hurt or broken. Just thankful that we have our mind and bodies intact.

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  16. Fiona Edwards says…

    I am thankful my sister told me about your blog. My son was diagnosed with ASD this week and needed reminding of how lucky we are that it is only autism, it's not terminal and he is not sick. Thank you Ali. Mwah!

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