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Thursday Gratitudes.

One of the things I try to do when I get stressed out (lots of stuff on my plate right now - good stuff, but stuff nonetheless) is write up a list of gratitudes.

It's an attempt to change my outlook, to refocus and get myself moving forward once again.

Here's my list for today:

1. Working from home. There are positives and negatives to this set-up, but overall I love it and am really thankful that both Chris and I have the chance to work from home.
2. Chris waking up first and making the coffee.
3. Simon still snuggled in his bed still fast asleep at's the first day of summer sleep-in
4. A hydrangea that will bloom for the first time this year.
5. Parking our car in the garage...we keep forgetting that we can and every time we do we talk about how awesome it is (little things, right?)
6. Seeing all Lily's (our black lab) tennis balls in the floor of my studio. Yesterday there were five. Right now she is picking up and dropping her ball on the dining room floor and chasing it as it rolls away and then repeating the whole thing again.
7. Getting ready to teach a new class in Chicago next week. Packing kits and thinking about the students and getting excited to have another experience with a new group of people.
8. So thankful that my niece was born safe and sound just about on time. No NICU this time around for my sister-in-law, brother, and new baby. Even more excited to meet little Lucy soon.

Note: As I sat here writing this list this morning I actually found it to be tough to think
of things. That's a pretty good sign to me that I am out of sync with
feeling thankful on a daily basis. Definitely something I need
to work on again - time to pull out my gratitude file and get to writing things down.

If you are feeling up to it, I would love to read what you are thankful for today.

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166 thoughts

  1. Angela T. says…

    Thankful for...your wonderful blog and daily wonderful husband who surprises me when I least expect (most most need) it...celebrating one month at my new job...for good health after a scary start to the year...for a wonderful and supportive network of family & friends.

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  2. Sue says…

    I am so grateful that I live in America and have so many conveniences and luxuries at my fingertips. I am grateful that my husband loves me and takes such good care of me. I am grateful for good health, a roof over my head and nurishing food to eat. I am grateful that you invited me to take the time to list my gratitudes. I could go on and on but will stop with these.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jenell Stock says…

    What a great post, Ali.
    I'm thankful for
    1) my wonderful husband and friend of 32 years next week,
    2) my children, all of whom are happy and healthy
    3) my job - it's a great place to work and I get to be creative
    4) your blog - every day . . . love it for the incredible inspiration
    5) and my home, which is NOT flooding in the terrible floods of the Midwest (but too close to think about)- my heart goes out to everyone in that situation..
    Thanks, Ali for bringing things back into perspective . . .

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  4. Susan E in VA says…

    I am thankful for my health, for sweet tea from McDonalds (those little things!), for my DH of 18 years (doesn't seem that long)and our DD12, who I think is pretty cool. I'm thankful for the internet and now that I'm all alone at work (the others have left for the day) I can now play!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. kellyv says…

    Hi Ali,
    I am thankful to be a stay at home mom. Some days I have to remind myself that I am thankful for this but I did try to return to work for a while after my son was born and I just hated it so I am really, truly thankful to be home with him. Working from home sounds excellent.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Susan says…

    I am so thankful for our library. We just moved from a very small town in IA to Frisco, TX. Our small town library was very small and I spent a ton of money in the last two years at Borders. The Frisco library is beautiful, close by, and really well stocked. I printed out my wishlist and checked the catalog. They don't have them all but they had quite a few. I just started one by Alan Alda, so far quite humorous and light. Just want I need to kick off summer in our new town.

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  7. Amanda D says…

    I read one of these that you did about a year ago probably, and I was so inspired that every time I am in a funk I write down what I am grateful for. Thanks, it really helps!
    Today I am grateful for the Multnomah County Library - it is wonderful; the sunshine; spaghetti; baseball hats; and kisses from my kids.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Megan says…

    1) a lovely rainy day in hot hot Houston.
    2) the freedom to be creative whenever i want to be.
    3) this site - - for helping me accomplish some fantastic journaling for a page about what i love - such great possibilities for someone who loves words and pictures like you do!
    Have a great day Ali. Thanks for continuing to be such a bright spot out there for all of us!

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  9. Kristi Kortman says…

    i'm thankful for the nice weather in west michigan. it was hot, rainy, then cold. now it's perfecct.

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  10. Mish says…

    Great idea Ali! I used to keep a Blessings Journal with my kids were babies and I got away from it. So for today I'm grateful for:
    1. My part-time job, and the people I work with.
    2. The fact that my husband can stay home with the kids during the summer while I work.
    3. Being able to walk to the playground close to our house.
    4. A brand new Bass Pro shop just opened in our town.
    5. The cool, overcast weather - 75 degrees - perfect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. carrie p says…

    Thank you! There's always something to be expecially thankful for, and usually it changes the tone of my day.
    Thankful today, that after 3 years of driving permits our son master the driving test and got his license!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Leslie says…

    Thankful for a beautiful day in Ky, a play date with friends tomorrow, a wonderful husband who works hard for his family, and the chance to see relatives at a cousin's wedding next weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Teresa Victor says…

    Right now I'm thankful that my sister's pre-term labor contractions are under control and that I was able to be with her last weekend. :) Can't wait to see that little bean, but he/she needs to roast awhile longer!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Brené Brown says…

    My 9-year old is at sleep-away camp for the first time and I'm struggling. Today I got my first letter from her (she's been gone since Sunday and back on Saturday). I'm so grateful. It's hard to hold your breath for 4 1/2 days. It's a small thing, but I'm grateful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jenny says…

    Wow, after a very emotional lunch with a long lost friend I needed this...
    I'm thankful for my new husband who is the best man I've ever met... my step daughter and her creativity... wonderful, loving, supportive parents... having created a good life for myself despite past (and present) criticisms and for the strength to move past that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Cindy McDannold says…

    Seeing my great niece and great nephews clothes hanging on the hangers in my laundry room.
    Being sick and realizing just how many people are concerned with my well being.
    Looking at my newly planted trees and seeing them grow.
    Getting ready to go camping and knowing that once I get there all my stress will just melt.
    Putting my feet up after a long days work
    Saying my blessings during the day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Emilyt says…

    Thanks Ali- I needed this! It's been a tough week or two and I should really do this, too.
    1. I have a job to come to
    2. That I have a husband that doesn't complain too loudly that I come home so late.
    3. That I have a car that gets 35 miles to the gallon.
    4. Feeling good about finally getting ready for our trip to CA next week. I will start a list tonight.
    5. Thankful that I think it's important enought to make a list.
    6. Thankful that I have the kind of boss that cares enough about me to tell me how I'm doing.
    7. Starbucks. it's been a while and i enjoyed my mocha.
    8. Making new friends. I went to lunch with a new co-worker and she was great. I think I will try to keep her close.
    9. New work assignments and confidence from others towards me to trust my abilities.
    10. Thankful to recognize that I was wrong in my perception of another. Someone changed my mind today and reminded me that actions speak louder than words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Ashley Schultz says…

    I'm thankful for my health, my husband, my new job, my education, my talents, my love of scrapbooking and family history, my house, my many things. The list goes on and on. Thanks for sharing your list with us. I keep a gratitude journal an your post made me realize I haven't written in it in a while.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Laura M says…

    Things I'm thankful for today.
    1. The train being on time for the evening commute.
    2. The 'water boil advisory' being lifted at my home so I no longer have to boil water to brush my teeth and I can do laundry and wash dished.
    3. Chocolate--that is on my list everyday
    4. My Friends and Family
    5. Tomorrow is Friday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Karen says…

    I'm thankful for your daily blog. honestly, i love scrapbooking and creating and i'm thankful there are people like you out there to share ideas with us. thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. alexandra says…

    Hi Ali,
    Here are a few things I'm thankful for...
    1. that my twins are healthy
    2. that my husband is supportive, understanding and fun
    3. that I still have my parents
    4. that, even though she's in heaven now, I have known what it's like to have a TRUE friend
    5. that I have a creative space
    6. that next week we will all be on summer holiday
    7. that we have a home and wonderful food to eat
    8. that we have a new puppy named Hudson
    9. that I'm going to Ikea tomorrow (fun!)
    10. that you share your fabulous thoughts on your blog
    Thanks for opening my eyes and my heart, Ali.
    Peace to you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Suzette says…

    1. for my relationship with God- not religion but relationship
    2. my wonderful husband
    3. having my mother for the first 32 years of my life
    4. the daughter that God gave me two weeks after my mother passed away
    5. a wonderful sister/friend
    6. a dad who will do anything for his granddaughter
    7. the fact that I am able to be a stay-at-home mom.
    8. the cards and letters that my mother wrote to me that remind me of how much she loved me.

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  23. SUSAN GILMAN says…

    Thanks for sharing, Ali. I am grateful for lots this Thursday...
    a beautiful day - gorgeous skies and just right temperature...
    ...a surprise lunch with my gal friends at work, my hubby and stepdaughter....
    ....seeing my stepdaughter in the middle of the week (when we usually only see her on weekends)....some wonderful, compassionate friends in my life....healthy family...summer is here - lots of parties and gatherings DH bought me a CUSTOM TINY ART LADY FROM KAL BARTESKI for our anniversary (haven't seen it yet...I cannot WAIT!). Also grateful for all the terrific art/creative bloggers who share so generously...

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Lanette says…

    Thank you Ali, i so needed to do this today.
    Thankful for:
    *caring family phone calls
    *my silly little girls & their hugs
    *my husband home tonite from travel
    *wonderful friends
    *inspiring blogs :)

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  25. Maureen says…

    1st - I'm thankful that you found scrapbooking and are so open and sharing of your life and values. You are a gift in my life
    2nd - The fact that I am being a more easy going self with the chaos in our house and garden while work gets done.
    3rd - The husband who makes so much of my life possible and is a model of tolerance for me.
    4th - A phone call from my dd - a phone call that was upbeat.
    I could go on but these hit me right now.

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