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Project Of The Day | Clean Up This Office

time to clean

The time has come.

This place needs to be cleaned up so I can move forward with making stuff.

Here's just a peek at what I've got going on in here right now (most of the piles seem to have found homes on the floor):

time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean

time to clean

Wish me luck!

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157 thoughts

  1. Jill says…

    I shook my head this morning as I passed by the craft room on my way to work and thought - well, the summer project of cleaning this place up will now be a fantastic autumn project ;)

    And, did I spy possible scrapbook on the road kits for Italy all lined up? Hooray! Can't wait :) I just finished putting together a SBOTR album for Italy two weeks ago when I was on vacation. No worries, though - I had a lot of fun doing it and will use it anyway. I'm excited to work on another with you all - and who knows, maybe I'll need two. . .

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      That's what those are Jill :). I've been gathering lots of fun products to include. Can't wait to hang out with you!

  2. Megan says…

    I wish I had a craft room like that! Mine is currently my desk in a little corner of my bedroom.

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  3. Lacey says…

    I totally know how you feel. MIne is like that all the time. I am constantly organizing. At this point I have to wonder when that is going to stop and when the creating is going to happen?

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  4. Sarah Giles says…

    Hi Ali - I hope it helps to know that I found your 'mess' super inspiring! I'm a neat freak normally but when it comes to crafting I find I'm much more creative when I can see all my stuff. It seems the same applies to seeing other people's stash... so thank you! :D

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  5. Cheri says…

    good luck with the cleaning. although I think I'd be quite at home in your craft room just as is!

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  6. Donna says…

    Oh.My.Gosh, oh your Office pics are amazing but I think my OCD head would explode if I worked in there lol - love it though, what I wouldn't give to have a rummage in those lovely piles :)

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  7. katie says…

    Thank you for posting these pictures. It's like looking behind the curtain on the Wizard of Oz. I don't feel so bad about the mountain of mess in my studioffice now.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Beth J says…

      Yes!! Your Wizard of Oz analogy is PERFECT!

  8. Erica Hettwer says…

    Hee! Have fun! My room looks very similar except that it's also the craft area for my two and four year old kiddos. I have to pick up their hurricane of paper madness before I can even start on mine. Fortunately, the room has doors and we have fun so it's all good. :)

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  9. Melanie K. says…

    Thank goodness i am not the only one! I can't even see my crafty desk ... seriously.

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  10. Sarah Stegall says…

    I would not know what to do without my piles! They are my life ;)
    How do you keep little bity fingers out of them?? My 19 month old thinks my drawers are full of treasures for him! I have plenty of toys in the craft room for them (he has a 3 yr old brother!), but that still does not deter.
    Thank you for keeping things real and honest. You are truly an inspiration.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Part of the reason I really want to clean it up is because Anna is walking on the piles. I'm totally fine if she wants to pick things up and check them out and am happy to share with her if she asks...but I don't like her walking on it :).

    2. Sarah Jane says…

      I have a 27 month old boy who thinks that anything in my office/craft area is for him as well. He's constantly trying to open the drawers, take books off of book shelves and "WRITE PLEASE" on any/every piece of paper. He LOVES showing me all of the TREASURES he finds. My mom both tells me "You need to tell him not to touch these things because they are not his" although THAT makes them like the forbidden fruit. (And if only it were THAT EASY to simply tell him once not to touch something.) Hubby thinks "if you have some things in the room FOR HIM to play with, he may leave your things alone", but that hasn't worked well either - as he still thinks EVERYTHING is for him! TWO is QUITE an inquisitive age!!! I just make sure that there are never scissors or Sharpie markers left out within reach as his use of Crayola washable markers normally turn into TATOO art instead - despite reminders of "ONLY ON THE PAPER!" BTW, Ali, I have a much smaller room, but mine looks similar!

  11. Lisa says…

    ohhhhhh I feel so much better now...hahaha
    I feel like I walked into a disaster zone when I go into my craft room - but at least I am not working in disaster alone...hehe

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  12. Lindsay Bateman says…

    oh look at all that creative goodness!!! mess or no mess...LOVE it! and love all those Creative Escape goodies i see here and there! i had to get my hands on that Lost & Found pink sparkly damask paper too...LOVE! Words cannot even begin to express how blessed and lucky I feel to have taken your class and met you! Meeting you in the onsite store was truly one of my "bucket list" moments. You have influenced my heart and soul more than you will ever know. xoxo Happy Cleaning! :)

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  13. Sara says…

    Good luck! It's one of my favorite things to do. I love making a mess and then cleaning it up, so I can make another mess. :)

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  14. Jenni Hufford says…

    i am doing the same thing right now--- it's an overwhelming project but so WONDERFUL when completed! good luck!!!

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  15. KSW says…

    Muah to all that S.P.A.C.E.

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  16. Heather says…

    REAL LIFE scrapbooking...I love it! I have such a hard time getting my craft room cleaned up that it inhibits me from starting new projects, but I am soooo glad to know that you are able to create beautiful things amongst the clutter. Maybe now I can give myself permission to work within the chaos. I have so much trouble trying to figure out how to organize my stashes. Many times I forget what I already have so occasionally need to rummage through everything just to remind myself to actually USE the things I loved enough to buy - instead of just STORING them. Thanks for the update!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. kate adderley says…

    oooooh Ali, lm so glad lm not the only one, this makes me feel so much better, and after reading all the comments l feel even better again that alot of your followers have said the same thing,also wanted to tell you, that l ordered 3 of your stamp sets about 4 weeks ago, my hubby brought them for my birthday, but l have had to wait to use them as he has made me hang out till the my birthady to get them , how hard has that been, knowing that they have been here just waiting to be inked up, well todays the day, 1st Sept in Australia, l get my stamps yippee, so anyway have a great day, whatever your doing and lm sure you will know now what l'll be up to ........kate

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  18. Karen says…

    Thanks for these photos--now I don't feel so bad about my mess. I'm still unpacking all the boxes of scrapbook stuff after nearly 4 months in my new home. I still have about 7 boxes to go and I'm intent on finding the charger to my camera! It will probably be in the last box. Oh, well, good opportunity for weeding! That's the plan for this weekend (I'll be listening to my favorite CD, Adele's 21). I highly recommend it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sally says…

    Wow - thanks for not sugar-coating it. This is my REAL LIFE too! I usually end up w/ lots of piles as well -- and then eventually have to clear the decks and start anew. Good luck. Enjoy the process!

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  20. Nicky from Canada says…

    Oh I feel so much better now!!!!

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  21. Tammy B says…

    Much luck to you! I am the same way in my craft room. Don't have a spot for it - put it on the floor. My table is so full right now that I can hardly make a card let alone a scrapbook page. I have been slowly trying to clean it up a little every day but I think I need to make a serious mess first before it is really clean! Does that make sense?! Thanks for the inspiration Ali! Makes me want to get at it right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. A. Sanborn says…

    Me thinks you aren't alone! :P

    If you have a spare moment with nothing to do once you've finished... might you come help some of us in the same situation?! You'll have had plenty of practice!

    Glad we're all in -GREAT- company!

    Cheering you on!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Beth J says…

    I cleaned my craft room last night... Now I just need to go through my bins/drawers and see what I have. Hopefully, the old stuff will feel like new again & give me a little goose.

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  24. Jane says…

    The perfectionist in me that is never quite realized, loves seeing that everyone else is not perfect in their organization either. I love seeing the perfectly organized and the real life!

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  25. Melissa Szalai says…

    what are the cool kits for?.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      An event in Italy :)

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