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Project Of The Day | Clean Up This Office

time to clean

The time has come.

This place needs to be cleaned up so I can move forward with making stuff.

Here's just a peek at what I've got going on in here right now (most of the piles seem to have found homes on the floor):

time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean

time to clean

Wish me luck!

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157 thoughts

  1. Melissa says…

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one...some days I walk into my craft space and think, "Now how did THAT happen?!!" :) Thanks for showing me I am perfectly normal!

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  2. Lisa W. says…

    OMG I am so glad its not just me. How do we let it get SO bad:) I guess when you are creating its just messy...thats what I'm going with. AND why is it I loved surfing what was on your floor in the baskets...on the shelf. I didn't see any messes I just seen some yummy stuff!!! I SO wish I was going to Italy, my dream. Some day maybee:)

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  3. Amy says…

    I am NOT kidding - THANK you. I cannot tell you how much better this makes me feel! I beat myself up to the point opf NOT being able to go in and craft! I always think "No-one else has this mess. Just me. What's WRONG with me!?" Well- nothing! Maybe I'm normal! lol

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  4. Sally Edmonds says…

    Oh, Ali...I can TOTALLY relate! I have a pretty good sized space, but it is so full of PILES! I am a "piler" too. I pile at school/work and at home. It's just the way my mind works. I dream of someday having a huge loft with acres and acres of tables on which to pile my things. Hope all is well in Eugene. Do you by any chance know my bro and sil: Steve and Val King (she's a local principal - or my niece Ariel (she is a teacher)? Just thought I'd ask! Good luck with your cleaning project!
    Sally in Stockton

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jane says…

    Thank you Ali - I now see there's hope for the rest of us. :)

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  6. jen shears says…

    *happy sigh* I'm not alone.... ;)
    good luck!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. hannahk says…

    such a happy space ~ love the piles for organising and it has such a creative vibe. a clear up and a refreshing start ~ such a 1st September feeling ~ don't you just love this time of the year?

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. galen says…

    your piles look so much more interesting than mine.

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  9. Thinkie says…

    Good luck! We're planning to put our apartment on the market and I face a similar daunting task of getting everything tidy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. patty says…

    L*O*V*E it!
    i will be deep in it when my 3 large boxes arrive from c.e.!!!
    btw... i loved . loved LOVED your class at cReative escape!!!
    you ROCKED it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kirsten Reed says…

    Thanks for sharing a REAL slice of office looks like this on most days. Although my kids are old enough not to step on things, I now have 4 month old puppy who is like a toddler and thinks everything is his toy for I spent yesterday clearing piles off the floor! Guess we will be cleaning together!
    Very cool looking kits - I read in above comments they are for an event in Italy ~ how fun! Enjoy

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jakki says…

    I know this is going to sound incredibly wrong but I love seeing your piles because it makes me feel SO much better about mine, LOL

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  13. Scrapbook Rooms & Studio Ideas says…

    [...] Edwards shows photos of her studio before a clean-up in a post here.  See one image below [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Sharon in CA says…

    Great post - love to see other creative spaces...good Luck!! Doesn't it feel great to go through and organize. i love the process when I can reflect on how cathartic it can be. Those kits look very interesting...have fun in that class too. Italy is a place I want to visit one day soon. all the best Ali and thanks for sharing your process of storytelling with all of us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Debra Ford says…

    Ali, thank you for posting this. I don't feel so bad now because my scraproom looks like that. Hurricane Irene just went through our area and as I was looking at the room I thought if anyone saw my scraproom they would think we were hit by the hurricane - so I better get busy cleaning it up.

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  16. Sherry Eckblad says…

    I always pictured your office as neat and clean based on the way your scrapbook layouts are. Glad to see you are just like most of us. You must receive a lot of products from companies to test and promote or you have an addiction to scrapbook products. :P

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Cindy says…

    I'm VERY happy to see that there are so many of us who have matter how hard I work to put new things away and clean up after each event. I too have to clean my space again since I walk by the door (to my 10x10 scrap/office area) now and think I can't do anything in this mess! So, I close the door and keep walking. It doesn't help that I live in FL, am single, work 40plus hours and on weekends I have to do household chores, mow the lawn (push mower - need the exercise), clean the pool and spend time with my 32 year old son who has Down syndrome and other family members we can fit in. Oh! and my oldest grandson plays football on Saturday's! I spend most of my time taking pictures and saving them.
    Don't know how everyone finds time to scrap sometimes........any secrets? (I'm usually too tired after work then cooking and cleaning.)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Cindy - I don't think there are really any secrets - just choices :). Sounds like you are living an awesome full life!

  18. Dani says…

    Thank you for sharing that! Would love to see the after or even the in process pictures!

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  19. JillT says…

    Next inspire us with an after picture :) (I'm happy I don't have the only mess in town, but that still doesn't get mine organized :)

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  20. Ines says…

    With this post you're collecting a million plus points for all real women which are working and having kids.

    It looks REAL and not like Miss Superwoman :-)

    I agree with Molly.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh it's very real!

  21. Judy says…

    Big job.
    Can we see the after picture?

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  22. Veronica says…

    I agree. Looking at this makes me feel a whole lot better about the room that I call a disaster. I guess "disaster" is a relative word.

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  23. Phyllis says…

    WOW--just looked at the pics of your room and I don't feel so bad. I plan to show these pics to my husband. he thinks my craft room should always be neat. Now I know even the best have rooms that get "messed up". I tell my husband it is "organized confusion". I know where everything is and certain piles mean I am working on a special project. Love that you posted them

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      To me messy = something's happening :)

  24. amberca says…

    I love seeing your space!!!! Mess and all, it looks just like mine!!! hee hee

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  25. Brenda in Sunny SoCal says…

    I feel so much better now, thanks for sharing

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