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Project Of The Day | Clean Up This Office

time to clean

The time has come.

This place needs to be cleaned up so I can move forward with making stuff.

Here's just a peek at what I've got going on in here right now (most of the piles seem to have found homes on the floor):

time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean

time to clean

Wish me luck!

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157 thoughts

  1. slmnontec says…

    I loved reading the comments and certainly laughed. THEN it gave me the idea to document the re-do of my scrapbook room we did last December. It gives me a chance to reflect on how I create, how patient my husband was with the construction of a new counter, how I see new product, and what works for me. I have photos so it will make a good "story"! I'm glad we are so unique. Good luck in making it as organized as you need it to be....

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  2. peggy says…

    nice to see someone elses mess. Good luck.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jennifer says…

    jennifer olson

    ali wahat new project life are you going to by

    i'm going to get the new one

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Probably Clementine.

  4. Lisa says…

    Oh, good luck! I have a similar project on my agenda. Do let us know how it goes - that should inspire me to do my own. Right now it feels sorta insurmountable.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Peggy K says…

    Thank you, Ali. You've made me feel like I'm not alone in my crazy craft room discombobulation. You've put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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  6. Becky H says…

    Ali, so glad to see that you like me think the floor is a good place to have piles of stuff. It's so convenient, but I have dogs who walk on my stuff so I have been organizing this week also. Thanks for the peek into your life and space.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. janie says…

    Hopefully you aren't like me and get off track... and stick to the cleaning process. I love getting all messy then cleaning up... it gives me a sense of accomplishment too. GOOD LUCK !

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. linda says…

    Thanks for sharing this - I have piles everywhere when I am in the middle of a project. But Ali even your "mess" looks cool and creative.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Jennifer says…

    Awesome; I have been doing the same thing on this end. In case you come across any old left over class kits that you want to sell, let me know! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Eni says…

    OHHH - i wish you luck to get this organized at a glance!
    nice to see, that you have messy times , too ;-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Maureen Mahurin says…

    Hi Ali! I sure hope you are going to use at least one of those photos in your Project Life! After all, this definitely shows "real life" - It's not always perfect and neat! I absolutely love that your space gets messy too and I appreciate that you are willing to share that with everyone! Seems that alot of us crafters start out with tidy spaces but as the creative hurricane hits - well, it hits hard! Happy Cleaning!

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  12. Lauren Stennett says…

    I am SO glad to see that I'm not the only one with a messy craft room these days! Thanks for sharing this everyday moment with us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Elizabeth says…

    I still love your creative space...mess and all. I just purged, reorganized and cleaned up my space too...and it feels fabulous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Judith says…

    I love that you share reality with us. It makes us feel more normal.

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  15. Janet says…

    Thanks so much for sharing this. It looks like my room. Happy to see that you are not always organized!!! Loved hearing you on PRT 2 weeks ago - the Personality episode.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Olivia Martin says…

    WOW! Now I feel better. I am a piler too... It's nice to see that other people do it too. :) Do your piles move from place to place and room to room?? Mine do..They may start on the bar in the kitchen, but usually end up in a larger pile on the pool table downstairs... Happy cleaning, bet you will find something in all that stuff that will spark your creativity.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Immi says…

    I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one whose work space gets out of control sometimes! Good luck, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Maureen says…

    thanks for sharing. I was wondering if you had caught any episodes of the new syfy show Aplha's? They have a character named Gary, who is autistic. I thought you might find it interesting.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Maureen says…

    Oh don't we all love company in our messes. It's about time for a clean up in my room now, and when dh goes away for a week, I'll start my sorting. The bad part is that it gets worse before it gets better. I know. This is a regular occurrence.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. SueCee says…

    Yippee!!! It does my heart good to know that not everyone is a perfectly neat scrapper - frankly those people scare me a little. Good luck with your process of redefining, reorganizing and rearranging!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Tina says…

    Oh my goodness! That mess makes me want to get my hands on it and organize, organize, organize! If I didn't live so far away, I'd be over there! ;)
    I'm one of those people that can't function with too much clutter. It makes me tense. I even have a pretty bin on my desk at work that is labeled "clutter" that all of the things that didn't get filed away that day get thrown into to tackle the next day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Rhonda P says…

    what manufacturer are those really cool letter stickers? The ones with several sets of colors on one sheet...5th photo bottom left corner or last photo smack dab in the middle. Very cool. And I like your mess.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hey Rhonda - those are from Lily Bee. They are awesome:

  23. Emily says…

    Thank you so much for posting an imperfect space and including your piles! It is so nice to see someone I admire as an artist sharing their real life!!

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  24. Barb in AK says…

    Ali, We are either tied, or I'm in a close second to you! Only it won't take me a day to clean mine up----It will take a week!!! I'm going to finish up my BPC class project, then go for the massive clean up. I have about 5 projects waiting for my attention. I do love working on my projects, if the place is clean and organized :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. JeanD says…

    Good luck. Not a fun process, at least not for me, but so satisfying when it's done

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