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Project Of The Day | Clean Up This Office

time to clean

The time has come.

This place needs to be cleaned up so I can move forward with making stuff.

Here's just a peek at what I've got going on in here right now (most of the piles seem to have found homes on the floor):

time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean

time to clean

Wish me luck!

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157 thoughts

  1. Making Progress | Clean Up This Office | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] made some progress on my office mess over the last couple of [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Cari says…

    I spend way to little time in my scrap room! I also have toys and a special craft space for my girls. I used to say "no" alot to my now year 4 year old daughter when she asked for supplies from my stash. I now realize that it feels so good to say "yes you can have that" and the look she has getting something from mom's supplies is priceless and helps me with some of my clutter also! Another great thing I have realized is that she learned a very important lesson in life... sometime it is yes and sometimes it is no and she is okay with that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Susan says…

    After seeing so many cute,organized,decorated spaces, I am relieved to see a couple of designers that have some of the same issues I have. If I did not have so MUCH stuff it might not be as bad. I am still working on organization, I am doing a lot better with being able to locate things after sorting and labeling lots of clear shoeboxes.

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  4. Laurel says…

    I'm dying to know who makes that sheet of letter stickers in 6 colors in the 5th photo from the top! I'm doing a project using all of those colors and those stickers would be perfect! My scrap space is beyond help, so might as well add to it, right? LOL :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Laurel says…

      Duh. I just read the comments and saw they're from Lily Bee. :)

    2. Ali says…

      Lily Bee - they are awesome!

  5. Joanne says…

    A messy office/studio is the sign a creative being lives there.
    I love it. Thanks for sharing and helping us mere mortals feel better.

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  6. Organizing Studio AE/Technique Tuesday Stamps | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] I worked on cleaning up my office last week I finally had a chance to get my newer Technique Tuesday stamps [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. patty says…

    Hi Ali,

    I hope things are going well with the clean up. I notice you clear rubber stamps binder you made. I was what you made it out of? I have been search for a good storage solution for my clear stamps with not luck, but I like what you have done. Thanks, Patty

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Beth R says…

    What mess? All I saw was that beautiful stack of TT stamps with the binder rings on pic #5
    Oh my. I wish.
    What fun to peek into a real artist studio :)
    Thanks for letting us look.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Beke says…

    aww i just love seeing your home :) (sorry if that sounds creepy) but its so lovely, always. I also love seeing your your products like that, and I sit in my tiny souroundings with heh basics of basics products and daydream about what it much be like with them all :)

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