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Project Of The Day | Clean Up This Office

time to clean

The time has come.

This place needs to be cleaned up so I can move forward with making stuff.

Here's just a peek at what I've got going on in here right now (most of the piles seem to have found homes on the floor):

time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean
time to clean

time to clean

Wish me luck!

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157 thoughts

  1. Kate Burroughs says…

    I need to do the same thing in my studio!!!! I have too much stuff and need to winnow but it is so hard for me to let go of things that I am pretty sure I am not going to use. So stuff is everywhere because I have no shelving left to tidy it up. Glad to hear that I am not the only one with a mess- or "room of doom" as my husband calls it. He can't stand to even walk in so fearful of knocking some pile over! Good luck with your task! Like most things it is just the getting started that is important.
    Aloha, Kate

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  2. Michelle says…

    Ahh...creative genius never looked so good! For as organized as i am in "real life" my scrap space looks like it threw up on itself and i've come to embrace the mess. Good luck on creating order.

    Sadly, I'm not going on the trip to Italy... I'm saving my pennies for next time. Those kits sure do look pretty amazing! Any chance you may have made a few too many? Any chance you'll be selling additional kits or showing us all the products that you've amazingly gathered together so we can pretend to be the crafty wonder that you are!?!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi Michelle - I might have a couple left over but won't know until after the trip. I'm planning a post that includes a list of supplies and a thank you to the companies that graciously donated.

  3. {vicki} says…

    That's what my room looks like ALL THE TIME!

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  4. bdaiss says…

    Thank you for these photos! You make me feel better about my own piles. Look honey! Even famous bloggers and creators have messy rooms! It's okay! *grin*

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  5. Jana says…

    Ah, wish I'd taken a "Before" photo of my pastel studio before I tackled it last week... So much better now, but it would have been good to have a shot of the mess to prove how much work went into making it look tidy! Need to make mental notes about things like this. You've made a lot of people happy with your "before" pics! Good luck finding spots to store everything (my #1 problem...)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lisa says…

    Thanks so much for sharing. I had a vision that your space was always perfectly ready for you to fulfill any inspiration that struck. I feel better about my piles now, lol.

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  7. Wendy says…

    You'll have to post us photo when its all 'cleaned up'! I knew I should've planned the Italy trip with you! :)

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  8. Catherine A says…

    ooohhh.... I spy with my little eye - a fun looking kit. Wish I could be there in Italy. Maybe a kit or two can find they're way home and into my mailbox. wink wink hee hee.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Catherine A says…

      Ack! "Their" way. oops. Bad spelling fingers. ;D

  9. Fun Mama - Deanna says…

    Me too! Although I think mine may look worse. I have piles of magazines that I can't seem to throw out, memorabilia I'm not sure what to do with, and treasures I can't find a home for. My scrapbooking room is also where I store my fabric, and have my bookshelves with actual books on them (not just crafting books). I find myself avoiding the room a lot.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Stephanie says…

    Glad to know.......I am not alone. :)

    I noticed your vinyl stamps, what is that you keep them on to organize/store them? That is the one thing I can't seem to find a good home for.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I've got an organizational post coming up soon :)

  11. susan garner says…

    i just took a pic of my craft table for my pic of the day.its a real mess !!

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  12. Sandi Pressley says…

    The creative person is rarely make me feel so much better...yay! I am normal (and a bit messy!)

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  13. Roberta says…

    oh my...rolf...lmao ;} I'm speechless...all's I can do is laugh. I'm the opposite...I do have piles of work in process...but I assign a basket for each pile/project and it get's put back into the basket as I'm working. I'm weird...I know...but I get too distracted when things are not in their place so I can find them...guess I know where my son's ADD/COPD came from...oh my!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Carey Bridges says…

    Thank you SO MUCH for posting these pics, Ali, and keeping it real! So many crafters only post their room in immaculate condition. It's so nice and reassuring to see a place that's actually USED and created in (and that looks like mine does most of the time)!

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  15. Sue says…

    I know this sounds terrible- but its nice to see that you make a mess and have a room that looks like robbers have been in like that too !!! Gives me inspiration to clean mine up!! Good luck...

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Kathy says…

    Love the 'piles on the floor.' Thank goodness for gravity!

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  17. Maria says…

    Ok, this totally made my day. Thank you for being as messy as anyone else. Now I'm off to clean up my scrap studio.

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  18. Kristine S says…

    so many possibilities to create in those piles

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  19. P.J. says…

    Piles just grow, and grow, and grow. Best wishes for chopping a few of those piles down.

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  20. Lisa Aukeman says…

    If I do pick up my work space I find that the creative vibe leaves the room and I don't have any ideas

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  21. Wendy says…

    I love to see this:) It's nice to know others craft messy too, I mean really, is there any other way;) I saw some pretty neat things in your piles! I think your pretty AWESOME to share this with all of us! Have fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Jenny S says…

    I have to say, it's nice to know that other folks work the same way I do. :)

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  23. Vicki J says…

    It takes alittle chaos to get the creativity moving.. but you know I always get creative mojo again during the clean up process... so both are needed to keep the steam engines moving!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Lisa says…

    Did you have an earthquake? Wow! Wish i was there to help, I love to organize. (But I would probably get distracted,,, playing with Anna).
    The carpet; our upstairs carpet is old and ugly. And so much heavy furniture to deal with. As soon as I get my nerve up, I'm going to pull the carpet out, pull the pad out, fill in a few screw indentions, and paint. If it turns out, maybe I'll email some pictures.

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  25. TinaM says…

    Can you tell me a little about how you store all of your clear acrylic stamps (as in the 5th photo)? Thanks

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