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December Daily™ 2012 | Day Eleven

Hello Day Eleven.

Today Chris and I spent the afternoon with Simon. We took him out to eat and to find a Christmas present for Anna.

I adhered two of these Christmas Journal Cards back to back (they are printed on photo paper) and punched holes.

"Hello Life" is from my Hello Joy digital set. You can learn more about adding word art to photos (and recoloring) here: Getting Started With Digital Scrapbooking.

Here's a link of all my days so far for 2012:


Click on the images to link to the products.


Overwhelmed by your digital photos?  My Digital ScrapRoom has everything a scrapbooker needs in one place - including the tools to make it all come to life. Integrate your photo and element libraries, as well as design tools into one easily accessibly program so you can spend your time and energy on storytelling and creating rather than fruitless searches for photos and elements. Create collections in your libraries based on any criteria you choose.  In seconds, import photos and design elements into your collections by tagging people and using keywords based on specific holidays, sports, birthdays, etc. Use any designer's elements. Everything is ready to use when you're ready to get creative. Learn more.

SPECIAL OFFER | Ali Edwards readers can reserve their advance copy of My Digital ScrapRoom and save 20% off the regular price of $119.99 by using code: photojoy. Advance copy owners also enjoy free upgrades for first year. Offer expires December 21, 2012. Advance copies will be delivered by Christmas 2012.


You’re invited to include a link to your DAY ELEVEN page here. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link.

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35 thoughts

  1. Sarah says…

    Oh Ali, you are a really gorgeous mother. Your boy is so lucky he got to be mothered by you - in the same way you are lucky you got to be his mother. God blessed you both so much - and I can tell that you know this. Merry Christmas

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  2. Damiane Lucas says…

    Dear Sweet Ali,

    I LOVE your DD album! It's packed with fun little stories and lots of visual goodies. I especially love this year's album size. It's not a whopping intimidating project, and it's very doable for scrapbookers with busy, working lives. Thank you, Ali. Finally, here's a December project that I can actually finish without wearing myself out in the process.

    I really hope you consider this 4x6 album size next year, too. Perhaps a vertical one?

    Merry Christmas and may God continue to shower you with creative blessings.

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  3. Tiffany W. says…

    I shared the following story at and Noell encouraged me pass this along because she thought that you might appreciate it.

    Two years ago, I made a December daily album as inspired by a ScrapBooks Etc. article by you I'm really glad I did. It made me look at December in a different way. I was consciously trying to find bits of happiness each day to share in the album. Keeping the album was also really good for me because I had a miscarriage that was pretty traumatic during that month. As silly as this may sound, having this album reminded me to keep moving forward and to look for ways to create happy memories for both myself and my family. I did record a bit about my miscarriage and being in the hospital. Even though that December and Christmas were mixed with grief and sadness, I am amazed at how that year stands out to me as incredibly precious and special, precisely because I took the time to record special moments of that month and the traditions I love.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I'm sorry to read about your loss Tiffany. This project always makes me remember what I love most about December (and stay intentional about it) - it's a big reason why I continue to do it each year. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Kelly says…

    I adore that the photo captured an awesome moment so well - love the hands. (am jealous we never manage to quite capture those special moments so well! LOL)

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  5. Nora Anne says…

    That picture of you and Simon is awesome! Your expressions are priceless :)

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  6. Denise Sanner says…

    I've always admired you for your creativity. But, even more then that, I admire you for the way you make your "family" work. Life is not easy...we face many struggles. You and Chris working together to raise your take the time to be with them individually and discuss "life" with them...will have lasting affects on them forever. Merry Christmas, Ali. May you find yourself surrounded by all the things you love during this holiday season. xoxoxo

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  7. Myriam says…

    You never cease to amaze/inspire me. Your post made me teary eyed. I find it absolutely amazing that you and Chris take that special time to be with your kids, no matter what. You both deserve kuddos for placing them first. Cheers your way!

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  8. December Daily 2012 | Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Day Eleven [...]

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  9. December Daily™ 2012 | Day Fourteen And Day Fifteen | Ali Edwards says…

    [...] Day Eleven [...]

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