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Day In The Life | 4x4 Mini Book

Today I'm sharing what I ended up doing with my words & photos from my Day In The Life documentation back on May 8th. You can check out my post that just includes the words and photos here.

Last year I did a Day In The Life each month from January through June. I incorporated my words and photos into Project Life® using a 6 inch x 12 inch layered template. You can read more about how I did that here:

This time I decided to go with a 4 inch x 4 inch mini-album from We R Memory Keepers and ended up using 30, 4x4 photos.

All photos were printed here at home on the Epson Picturemate Show printer. I printed these on 4 inch x 6 inch paper and trimmed off the excess. I know I mention that printer all the time - it's because I use it all the time and it's awesome. I would totally buy another one if this one breaks. Love being able to print when and what I want.

In addition to my 4 inch x 4 inch photos I also used this 4 inch x 4 inch set of printables. I ended up printing these on the Epson Picturemate Show printer too. Sometimes I print printables on Epson Matte Presentation Paper and other times on photo paper. Depends on the size and on the color.

If you don't want to work in the 4 inch x 4 inch size here's a 3 inch x 4 inch Day In The Life Cards version as well for those of you that might a different size or color family.

I loved how these cards turned out. I used a Precision Pen in .03 to write on the photo paper.

On these cards I ended up adding some additional text that wasn't included in my original post - they ended up being more perspective-style journaling vs. the facts of what was happening that day.

I also ended up cutting up a 12 inch x 12 inch piece of pattern paper from Teresa Collins for the last page of the album - that's the diamond paper called Something Wonderful Geometric.


We R Memory Keepers - Page Protectors - Nine 4 x 4 Inch Photo Sleeves - Fits 12 x 12 Three Ring Albums

If you'd like to incorporate 4 inch x 4 inch images and printables in Project Life® you could use these 12 inch x 12 inch page protectors from We R Memory Keepers.

Here's a look at my completed book:


  • I loved playing with this size. 4 inch x 4 inch was enough of a departure from what I usually work with that I felt renewed energy working in this size.
  • I loved putting the times on the photos. As you will see below I ended up putting the time, a line, and some text (pulled directly from my blog post) on each photo (with the exception of a couple that I left blank that were companions to another photo from the same time).
  • I added just a few embellishments here and there. I thought about adding more but I ended up even taking a few things off (and reprinting the photos).




Wood veneer circle is from Elle's Studio Happy Day. White transparent polka dots is from this set at Studio Calico.


Small "the story" circle sticker is from Teresa Collins Something Wonderful Sticker Sheet. I cut it to make it a circle because it had an extra little tab on it.


As I mentioned above I opened, edited (using RadLab) and added text to each of my photos in Photoshop. I basically kept one file open and dragged and dropped my photos on top and then changed the time and words - each time doing a Save As at the end.

Most of times and words stayed in the same position but some changed due to more words or too much white along the bottom of the photo.



Sometimes when I put together projects like this I like to specify the kids ages. This means no math for me later on (win) when I look back through the album to try and figure out how old they were at a particular point in time.

This little insert is one of the 4 inch x 4 inch divided page protectors that I cut in half and slipped a "5" and a "12" in from this set of Heidi Swapp ephemera. Those are kept in place with small staples from the Tiny Attacher.


And, as some of you know, I love adding 2 inch index tabs to my inserts. Inside I slipped a couple stickers (stuck back to back) from Cosmo Cricket.









A stapled cork star adds a little interest to this one.





Cork heart added to this photo. Again, it was random.



For these two images I did want to add in something a little different. I chose these metal heart charms from Tim Holtz.


Each of the pieces are separate in the package (the charm, the designed paper and then a plastic epoxy that fits on top). I adhered them with a mini-glue dot.


A little cork heart to finish off the day.



Click on the images to jump to the products.


Did you participate in Day In The Life this go-around? I'd love to see your blog post and/or how you made something with your content. Please link directly to your post vs. your general blog link.

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58 thoughts

  1. Mel says…

    Love your album. I love the size looks so user friendly so to speak. And cute, really too cute!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Tracey says…

    Wow, love this so much.

    I can just imagine Simon or Anna looking at this someday when they have kids.

    How wonderful to have these things, and that you take the time to do it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cheri says…

    Wow Ali! I absolutely love this!! So simple yet tells so much of the story of your day. I may have to try this soon. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. alexandra says…

    So good. just so good.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. J3SS1C4 says…

    Love how this turned out! I completely forgot about Day in the Life when you did it, but now that I've seen what you've done with the album, I'm thinking it could be really fun to document my moving day next week, since it is likely to be the last time we move in a REALLY long time! This would be such a fun keepsake, and I don't usually work in square sizes except for instagram photos, so it would be a fun challenge!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. COEngrGirl says…

      Those albums are totally meant for instagram photos and that sure sounds like an easy way to document your moving day! Have fun adn good luck with your move!

  6. Kelly S. says…

    This is great Ali! I did my very first Day In the Life on May 9th and LOVED every minute of it! I did mine in 4x4 pics, too! Check it out when you get a chance!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Katerina Komissarova says…

    It's a piece of art. Incredible work. THANK YOU.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Carolyn HP says…

    Lovely wrap up to your day in the life - love this mini album and how you put it together! So simple but so inspiring! Full of love and happy thoughts :) Thanks for sharing as always!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Shawna Zervos says…

    Thank you so much for sharing! I love your mini and have been inspired to try a Day in the Life at some point this summer; may lift the idea of a mini!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Christine says…

    Just discovered these albums. Aren't they just so much fun?

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Robyn :) says…

    I am so glad you posted this. I read about this size album on another blog recently and was thinking about it last night for a project. Then I see it here and it is perfect!! I received some old pictures of family that I want to make for my son for him to know them (they have passed on).

    I love how used this for your day in the life!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Jenny B. says…

    This is so cute! I love it! Such a great time capsule of the day. I like that you included the kids' ages too, and love the cute numbers you chose. Are you planning to do Week in the Life again this year? I've participated for the past four years, but only have 1 completed album (which is my favorite album, ever). :) I've never tried Day in the Life. I think I might need to give it a go.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Yes - September 8th will be the start ;).

  13. Jen Hart says…

    This is such a great project, really inspiring, thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Em says…

    Love the idea of using the WRMK Instagram mini album for a day in the life documentation. This may just be the support I need to finally document a day in my kitties' life. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jen says…

    Love the final product Ali! Super cute! I hadn't done day-in-the-life in years but played along this time (on the 9th). I ended up using a few different PL page protectors and will add them to my Everyday Life album in my LOM :-)

    Thanks for the continued inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lana says…

    Ali, your photography is mesmerising. Your ability to capture everyday subjects and moments through the lens with such beauty never ceases to amaze me.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thank you!

  17. Morning Dew says…

    I love this idea! This time was my first "day in the life" and I sort of got distracted by not so daily events that happened, but I most certainly would like to document a day like this. Especially during summer it would be such a nice addition to other memory keeping. Thank you Ali!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jen S. says…

    Your designs are so timeless and I really appreciate you sharing your talents. You've been inspiring me for many years now and the awesome thing is, that I feel like what I was inspired by 5 years ago is still applicable today. You are freakin' awesome. :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Jen!

  19. Katie says…

    I second what Jen said. Through the whole book I've just been thinking, Ali, I love you. :) You make life look so beautiful but it's clear that you are choosing to see that beauty & that by choosing to see it, you do see it. Looking through the album pages (and so many posts) reminds/convinces me that the life-beyond-life of right now is accessible to me every day as well...

    Scrapbooking, photographing, writing, laying out--so time consuming that I constantly second-guessing whether it is a good use of my time and energy, but here it's so clear that the whole point is to do it in the service of living well. Love it. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Desiree says…

    What a spectacular album! I love the idea of doing this. I'll have to pick a weekend sometime soon, perhaps when my kids are with their dad to capture a day in my life (without kids). LOL

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. How to Make a Day in the Life Mini Book | says…

    […] Ali’s 2014 4×4 Day in the Life album […]

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  22. Denise says…

    How do you get so many great shots with kids? I guess I'm asking what timer do you use with your iPhone? This is great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Sandy Davis says…

    Love your project and the color scheme and book size that you went with. I finally tried doing this myself ad hope I continue to do it each month! Thank you for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Susanne says…

    So lovely!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Abby says…

    Love this! Great, as always - question: what font did you use for the times on the photos? For the text? Absolutely lovely!

    Reply 0 Replies

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