Things I Am Learning (or re-learning)


1. Typing one handed, with a nursing baby in the other arm, is not too hard (just takes a lot longer).

2. There is nothing better than just sitting and watching her facial expressions while she is sleeping.

3. Witnessing Simon's love for Anna is totally more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

4. I now have "kids." Still feels strange to say "the kids."

5. Simon is like a giant compared to Anna. I remember a couple people in the comments a few weeks back talking about how big Simon would seem after her arrival. It is so VERY true. Each time I give him a hug, rustle my hand through his hair, and just look at his face I can't believe how old he is - I don' think without Anna for comparison I would have been able to "see" him as he really appears (I saw many more little boy features).

6. Girls clothes really are more fun than boys.

7. I am having moments where I miss Simon. In the midst of so much joy & celebration I am
missing him and the way things used to be. I am working hard to set
aside time for just me and him - to chat, to snuggle, to give him my
undivided attention. I don't want to lose our connection in this time
of transition. Bittersweet.

8. Taking a hot shower is one of my favorite parts of the day.

9. I love how Chris put his favorite photo of Anna as his phone wallpaper so he can whip it out and see her beautiful little face.

10. I really, really miss my Mom when she leaves after being here with us right after the births of both our kids. Just having her here and hanging out with her and having her take care of us is something I am so very thankful for - love you Mom. You are the best. These emotions seem even more powerful this time around as I glance over at Anna and have those "wow, I have a daughter" thoughts. The mother daughter bond is powerful in our family.

11. I can finally cough and blow my nose again without feeling like my incision is going to break wide open.

12. Listening to Simon talk to Anna is another favorite part of my day. Yesterday he was telling her all about Harry Potter. He says things like, "Baby Anna this is Obi Wan Kenobi." or "Baby Anna do you want to watch Harry Potter with me?" or "It's OK Anna, you are safe" when she cries.

13. Wireless internet and my laptop are something I am thankful for. For those of you surprised at my posting so soon after Anna's birth, some of the posts were planned in advance (like the giveaway) and others were done while I am sitting here on the couch nursing or holding Anna. So thankful for our big brown comfy couch.

14. Having your 10 year old washer & dryer die the day before a child is born is a total pain...especially if you are planning to use cloth diapers from the beginning. I ended up waiting and will start this next week after the new appliances are delivered.

15. Simon is having a challenging time at school right now with some behavior issues. The transitions at home seem to be impacting him in different ways this time around - one of which is acting out physically when he is frustrated. Hoping that this too shall pass sooner rather than later as we all settle into our new routine.

16. Over the last two weeks Simon has gone to be and woke up saying he is
sick, hoping he will be able to stay home. It's gotta be hard for him
to leave in the morning - especially with his favorite person (Grandma
Pati) and his new favorite person (Baby Anna) here at home.

17. Yesterday was my first really tough day. Overwhelmed. Tired. Weepy. Anna not interested in sleeping until late in the afternoon. Fighting a cold.

18. Remembering each day that tomorrow is another day; that I need to treasure these early moments and let go of my own personal expectations for how the day should go.

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325 thoughts

  1. michele says…

    oh man ... #7. that's my most vivid post-baby-#2 memory. about two weeks after harper was born, i broke down sobbing to my husband about how much i missed henry, who was five at the time. you spend so many years getting to know just one kiddo and having your whole day and life revolve around your relationship with him, then suddenly there is another person making room in your heart, and you don't want to divide love so of course you make room. but unfortunately time and attention DO divide, because we don't yet have the ability to add hours to the day. you'll find that balance, once you take the time you need to get to know anna. and then you and chris will take turns having that one-on-one time with each child and you'll find a way to divide the time fairly. hang in there ... you'll find your way back to simon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Megan says…

    Hi Ali,
    Loved reading your list. I have 2 girls - 6 months & 3 1/2 years - and I can totally relate to those early days (including my mum leaving to go back to Australia). Natalie seemed huge compared to Baby Emma!
    Now, 6 months on, it finally feels more "normal" with 2 kids - we're getting more sleep, I can actually get us out of the house at a reasonable hour, and I don't think twice before I say "the kids" or "the girls" :)
    All the best to you and your sweet family.
    PS - My dryer died about 3 days before I had Emma and the new one couldn't be delivered for over a week, so I know how that feels!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Penny Pudge says…

    She is so beautiful. Simon must be a very proud big brother.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. janine says…


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  5. liz in il says…

    "you are safe". simon is doing a wonderful job as big brother because those are three words that every human being longs to hear and truly believe in their heart. wishing you all the very best...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kristyn says…

    she's adorable.
    relearning can bring new blessings along the way. enjoy the journey as four.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Veronica says…

    I agree....set no goals....enjoy each moment....and invest in an amazing variety of pj' makes staying the day in your pj's some fun!! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Corinna Lyons-Revello says…

    Oh, I love that "It's OK Anna. You are safe." It doesn't get any more precious than that, does it? :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kellie @ this blessed nest says…

    this post brought tears to my eyes. thank you for your honesty. i have/am feeling somewhat the same as you. in the fact of wanting to spend one on one time time with my oldest. i too, am thankful for my wi-fi, laptops, & the pump!
    i always joke with friends, telling them not to expect capitol letters in my emails while i'm nursing.
    i so agree with the comments as to not setting goals, expect to create, clean, or even take a shower! bad thing for me and i know you as well, we are goal setters.
    best wishes to you, chris, and the "kids".
    thank you for this post. it truly touched my heart.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Nola Wedlake says…

    I have two girls and remember going from one child to tow. It takes a bit of getting used too but after awhile it just clicks, you can't imagine life without them being there. What a touching post, brought back early memories and a few tears. All the best to you and your new family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Scrapbrarian says…

    Oh Ali, my heart just melts everytime I read your blog these days. Both of your children are beautiful! As a woman who was personally unable to have children I am experiencing a wonderful vicarious thrill.

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  12. GypsyGirl says…

    Hugging you tight! She is soooooo beautiful and so are you xo

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Dayami says…

    Anna is gorgeous and blessed with a gorgeous family!!!
    I am in the same boat. I have a 6.5 year old boy & I just a baby girl on Jan 14. I blogged about #4 but the one that really touches me is #7.
    I know exactly what you mean. I thought it was me. But as I talk to my friends (and now here in your blog) I see that all moms go thru this and I dont feel so bad. It has gotten better though. I still miss my boy and our afternoons cuddled in the couch watching Home Alone or Baby's day out (over and over and over), I just miss our time together but I'm gonna make it a goal that as soon as our little Mia starts to crawl and/or is able to play in her playpen etc Im going back to that tradition with my boy and hopefully she will join us.
    I read the poem that the other poster posted and I can sooo relate, I feel much better now.
    So thank you for your awesome post and may God bless your gorgeous family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Desiree Fawn says…

    8. Taking a hot shower is one of my favorite parts of the day.
    ME TOO!

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  15. Stephanie says…

    #11 got to me...I am sure you will document everything Simon says to his sister but the one about her being safe when she cries is a keeper for sure. That one brought tears to my eyes! I'd love to see a page on that one. Take care Ali and enjoy that sweet girl. My third baby is already 10 months old and it is killing me that he is growing so fast.

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  16. Amy says…

    Did you get a front loader or a top load machine? I changed from an old top loader to an "efficient" front loader during my cloth diapering experience... not such good results... not enough water to rinse them well in the front loader. Have to get creative with white vinegar rinses and/or mini shower attachments on your toilet... I got all my tips from MDC (Mothering Magazine discussion forums)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Renee says…

    I can relate to you on few things there. I have a 2yr++ lil grl and a 3mth++ lil boy.
    1.People were amazed that I still managed to blog while I was having contractions right down to the point where I was about to go in labour. And blog some more right after the delivery.
    2. I know the feeling. It feels (good kind of) strange saying in plurals. Kid=kids, child=children
    3. I, too, miss my daughter even right before my eyes. I know she feels abit left out ever since her brother arrived. I always make an effort to spend quality time with her like we used to. There are times where she is frustrated with her baby brother, however, she can be such the sweetest big sister ever.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. EllenH says…

    Your children are absolutely beautiful! As I sit here tonight I have the opportunity to blog hop; something that is extremely rare for me. My daughters are now 9 and almost 15 (she points this out to me - LOL!)and life just seems to get busier, and busier. It is my oldest daughters first dance tonight and so now I wait for her to come home so that I can listen to her stories of the fun she had. Kids are amazing and I wanted to stop in to "see" your precious new baby and tell you congratulations. Please rub your cheek against your precious little ones hair and just breathe in that baby "smell" for me one more time. Then when you need to let those tears roll, because even though it is a wonderful and beautiful thing, it can be exhausting. Tears do help relieve some of the inner stress. Then the smile comes back, together with a renewed determination. Life changes once more for the better after a good night's sleep. So hand that bottle off to daddy once in a while, he will treasure those moments as well. Congratulations from an admirer and fellow mother! Best of luck in your new journies ahead!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sheri says…

    i just cried a little over #12. totally forgot about the "you are safe" thing. yes. wishing you lots of balanced days and happy moments. it goes 20x faster the second time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Dee Sutton says…

    Hey there Ali,
    Congrats to you all on the Birth of Anna. Truly a beautiful name for a beautiful baby.
    I love that you are documenting so much. The joys of scrapping. My eldest is now 14, nearly 15, and I think you have inspired me to document this hard time we are going thru right now. Hindsight is a good thing, but even better, knowing that thru the struggles with have with our kids, we love them UNCONDITIONALLY is such a good thing.
    May your family be blessed, as you inspire and bless others!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Jessica says…

    Such an encouraging post. :) I've filed it under my 'motherhood-ness' bookmark, along with a handful of encouraging articles that I think will come in handy when I decide to take that 'motherhood' leap. :) praying for you and yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Casting says…

    She is absolutely beautiful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Christie Bryant says…

    This post was beautiful and honest. I appreciate how similar my experience and am thankful you brought back the memory of those tender moments with my daughter Izabelle and my son, Parker.
    Your kids are both so amazing! You are blessed!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. blackbird says…

    I know I am far behind the curve here - and that you have hundreds (perhaps thousands) of admirers/readers to read the comments of, but I have to say that your gentle honesty inspires me all the time and I thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Jen W says…

    #15- My son did the same thing. It passed. He was totally in love and sweet to his little sister, but short-tempered and acted out physically with the kids at school.
    Anna is beautiful.

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