Things I Am Learning (or re-learning)


1. Typing one handed, with a nursing baby in the other arm, is not too hard (just takes a lot longer).

2. There is nothing better than just sitting and watching her facial expressions while she is sleeping.

3. Witnessing Simon's love for Anna is totally more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

4. I now have "kids." Still feels strange to say "the kids."

5. Simon is like a giant compared to Anna. I remember a couple people in the comments a few weeks back talking about how big Simon would seem after her arrival. It is so VERY true. Each time I give him a hug, rustle my hand through his hair, and just look at his face I can't believe how old he is - I don' think without Anna for comparison I would have been able to "see" him as he really appears (I saw many more little boy features).

6. Girls clothes really are more fun than boys.

7. I am having moments where I miss Simon. In the midst of so much joy & celebration I am
missing him and the way things used to be. I am working hard to set
aside time for just me and him - to chat, to snuggle, to give him my
undivided attention. I don't want to lose our connection in this time
of transition. Bittersweet.

8. Taking a hot shower is one of my favorite parts of the day.

9. I love how Chris put his favorite photo of Anna as his phone wallpaper so he can whip it out and see her beautiful little face.

10. I really, really miss my Mom when she leaves after being here with us right after the births of both our kids. Just having her here and hanging out with her and having her take care of us is something I am so very thankful for - love you Mom. You are the best. These emotions seem even more powerful this time around as I glance over at Anna and have those "wow, I have a daughter" thoughts. The mother daughter bond is powerful in our family.

11. I can finally cough and blow my nose again without feeling like my incision is going to break wide open.

12. Listening to Simon talk to Anna is another favorite part of my day. Yesterday he was telling her all about Harry Potter. He says things like, "Baby Anna this is Obi Wan Kenobi." or "Baby Anna do you want to watch Harry Potter with me?" or "It's OK Anna, you are safe" when she cries.

13. Wireless internet and my laptop are something I am thankful for. For those of you surprised at my posting so soon after Anna's birth, some of the posts were planned in advance (like the giveaway) and others were done while I am sitting here on the couch nursing or holding Anna. So thankful for our big brown comfy couch.

14. Having your 10 year old washer & dryer die the day before a child is born is a total pain...especially if you are planning to use cloth diapers from the beginning. I ended up waiting and will start this next week after the new appliances are delivered.

15. Simon is having a challenging time at school right now with some behavior issues. The transitions at home seem to be impacting him in different ways this time around - one of which is acting out physically when he is frustrated. Hoping that this too shall pass sooner rather than later as we all settle into our new routine.

16. Over the last two weeks Simon has gone to be and woke up saying he is
sick, hoping he will be able to stay home. It's gotta be hard for him
to leave in the morning - especially with his favorite person (Grandma
Pati) and his new favorite person (Baby Anna) here at home.

17. Yesterday was my first really tough day. Overwhelmed. Tired. Weepy. Anna not interested in sleeping until late in the afternoon. Fighting a cold.

18. Remembering each day that tomorrow is another day; that I need to treasure these early moments and let go of my own personal expectations for how the day should go.

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325 thoughts

  1. Deirdre says…

    Beautiful list. My baby is about to turn 1 next week, and your list reminded me so much of his first days.
    I still feel pangs of missing the simplicity and intimacy of time with just my first-born. And then I think of my own siblings and know that they are the greatest gifts my parents ever gave me.
    Amazing how a new child gives you a different perspective on your first child, isn't it?
    That photo is precious...and I can't help but envy you the baby girl clothes! Enjoy it while she still lets you pick what to wear:-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lisa says…

    Oh Ali, I am sending you a great big hug from one mom to another, and wishing you many moments of peace and contentment. Going from 1 to 2 children is BIG. But, just remember, your heart is BIG too and you're smart and a great mom, and all things will fall into place. Give yourself time to get used to all the changes, and most importantly, the permission to relax and pamper yourself. I am a firm believer in "pajama days"!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kelly Bryan says…

    Hang in there, Ali. Remember to take care of yourself first and foremost. A healthy mama means healthy and happy children :-)

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  4. Tonya nc says…

    You are such a blessing to so many through this blog. Thank you for regularly updating us. It is my daily unwind - checking my favorite people's blogs. I know we have never met, but I so relate to you. Ever since I first saw your pages (esp. of Simon) in CK, I am always grateful for the moments you have chosen to record, because that makes me want to record my similar moments with my two boys. (My older one is 6 and little one is 3.) Now your blog is taking me back to those sweet days of when they were so very little.
    No easy task being a mom to two, a wife, and a professional, while still squeezing in so "me" time, so just enjoy the sweet moments and let others help you when they can. And remember, very little is really the difference between life and death. Things that may seeem a big deal (like the house being clean) really isn't such a big deal when you've got such a great family to be with.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Chris Dodaj says…

    Ali, I'm totally going to be able to relate to a lot of this in the coming months. Just try and remember to take it one day at a time. As long as the kids are healthy and content, don't worry about the dishes or the house, I learned that the first time around.
    She is an absolute angel, I'm having another girl, and couldn't be more excited. Thanks for sharing so much!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Noreen says…

    Anna is truly gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing what it's been like for you these last few weeks.

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  7. Niella says…

    Just soooo beautiful to watch a sleeping baby! Congrats Ali! How amazing children are esp. when they are newborn!
    Anna is a beautiful, classic and timeless name.
    Wow, Simon is a big brother. Wondrous.

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  8. Brianna says…

    Anna is simply adorable!! I know exactly what you mean. I had my 2nd four months ago, and I went through the same roll of emotions. Now it's just so amazing how my 2 year old has changed and I always find myself wondering if she even remembers before baby was born!

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  9. Anthea says…

    Ali, I love reading your reflections. It brought back all those memories of sitting on the couch and nursing Sam, all those what seemed liked wasted days are now beautiful memories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Lori says…

    Wow, reading your post reaffirms my belief that we are all more similar than we are different. With 2 boys of my own (one only 8 months old) I have experienced so many of those same feelings. I'm finding with 2 "kids" things are never as seemless as I had expected or as they once were, yet they are so much more fun, funny and lively. There is something about the 4 of us doing things as a family that seems so right.
    With little time to get everything done, I find that any time I do have, whether it be by myself, reading with my 3 year old, snuggling the baby or on a date with my husband, it all feels more special. I HAVE to enjoy the moment more; they are all so fleeting.
    You're doing a wonderful job; just take it one day at a time (or 1/2 day at a time if need be) and tackle it with Chris. As in all other things you've conquered together, you will need each other to conquer the meals, diapers, sleepless nights, etc.
    Oh and one more thing...My washer broke the week my son was born too; the silver lining...we upgraded to a more eco-friendly, ecomomical washer.
    Take care!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carrie says…

    Hugs. You have a beautiful family. Everything will gel. And yes, they want to stay home when new baby comes, they don't want to miss a thing! It's a beautiful post.

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  12. Judy Straughn says…

    Hi Ali- I am impressed that you are able to post so many wonderful thoughts- so early in your recovery process. As I always say to my new parents - enjoy your new daughter- they grow up far too fast. Abdominal surgery usually makes you acknowledge muscles you never knew you had...I had 2 C-sections, am greatful that incision healed pretty fast and without inicedent. As for Simon- I am sure the excitement and the change in routine- how ever slight has him trying new boundaries- he will adjust and be the same wonderful son you recognize and no matter what will always support and love. Anna is beautiful- I'm sure you will cheerish every moment. Much Luv- Judy

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  13. Heather says…

    She is absolutely beautiful!! Wow on that photo - She's gorgeous! Enjoy her while she is tiny. They grow so very fast. =) Loved reading this post.

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  14. Alayne says…

    I went throught this transition myself nine months a go. It goes by so fast. I can't remember the first 6 months of my daughter's life because I was SO TIRED! How thankful I am for the little thoughts I recorded in my journal those first months. My firstborn was inly 20 months when my daughter was born. I remeber looking at him, and in many ways thinking he was so big, but at the same time still just a baby himself.
    Continue to take care of yourself.
    Peace to you and your little family :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Christina says…

    All your thoughts bring back so much memories. I had to laugh with the typing with one hand while nursing. Just wait until she's a little older while sitting on your lap & goes for the keyboard while your typing. :)
    I so understand the issue of Simon having behavorial issues & acting out pysically when frustrated...we've been having that issue with my son since his baby sister arrived home. My sons love is there for his sister, but when my son gets upset...he just acts out too. I think alot has to do with the attention he use to get as an only child. Overtime Simon will understand that the change & will get use to sharing the attention with his sister. It just takes time, but I do believe that you need to talk with Simon about what is going on, hear his side of the issue. I did just that with my son & he seems to be more happy, probably it made him feel that I do care about him still.
    Just enjoy every moment with your baby girl. Its hard to balance everything out at first, but eventually it does get easier.
    And...Anna is so precious!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Melanie says…

    Ali, I just have to say that every word that you write is just simply beautiful. It is so simply but yet so meaningful. You sound like you are doing great and taking in every minute. Anna is beautiful. (I think she looks like you) I can relate to the overwhelmed feelings because I had those for about a year after my son was born. He is turning 15 this May and I wish we would have talked more about that all those years ago but we didn't. You make it through the storm somehow and come out on the other side. Tell Simon that he is a great big brother and best wishes from sunny Florida.

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  17. Amanda N. says…

    You are doing a fabulous job as a new Momma (for the second time!). Cherish those moments, and I can't wait to see how the Baby Anna journal turns out! :)
    Amanda in Florida

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  18. Stacey from Two Writing Teachers says…

    As always, thanks for your honest reflections. They're inspiring.

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  19. {pam} says…

    awwwww . . . what a sweet little face!! this post sooooo touched my heart!

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  20. MARILYN NIMMO says…

    Simon's difficulties will pass - especially with a level-headed mom like you. Taking time for just you and him should be just the medicene for both of you! Enjoy all these little moments and take time for you as well. Congratulations again.

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  21. Tammy McClafferty says…

    Ali, I can so totally relate to the changes, the observations and the love you have experienced these last couple weeks. my "kids" are 5 years apart and the things I saw in my son (oldest) when the baby girl came home were amazing. His skin even seemed to lose it's babiness over the 2 days i was away from him. The protectiveness and love that he shows his sister still (2 years later) is heartwarming. I don't know if it was b/c he was my first or if b/c he is my son that i miss him at her age...if that makes sense... The things you noted on your post today hold true for me almost 2 years later as they did the day my dgt was born. it's amazing to see in words what i could not express so much later than i felt it originally. Thank you for being so verbal and honest in your posts. And i hope you will look back on these notes years from now and still feel the same way!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Rieca says…

    Very touching tribute to life and Motherhood!
    Congrats! While it gets easier, it also gets harder each day! Enjoy these lovely early days!

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  23. Sandy says…

    What a sweet photo and I love your list. I wish I hadn't "wished" or said I can't wait until. My baby is now 15 and his is my one and only that I will ever have. No more first little moments. So do take time to enjoy them. What a blessing.

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  24. Kathryn Martin says…

    Absolutely fabulous reading your heartfelt journaling! Baby Anna is so beautiful! What a tropper Simon is! I'm not surprised he's having difficulties at school. Our son is autistic too and whenever there are changes, it shows at school. On a good day it takes a lot of energy to get through a day with 24 other classmates and a bus ride to and from school. Well, I love to check in on you all and see your photos and hear how things are going. Enjoy!

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  25. Linda J. says…

    Though my kids are almost grown (19 and twins, 17) I remember those days when the twins came home from the hospital. Don't worry about what you think should be done around the house, go easy on housework, and just enjoy this time with Anna and Simon. You are so right - you won't have these days back again. All too soon your kids will be headed off to college and you'll have an empty nest. I say this with sadness because that's what is happening to me come August. ENJOY THESE DAYS!

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