Things I Am Learning (or re-learning)


1. Typing one handed, with a nursing baby in the other arm, is not too hard (just takes a lot longer).

2. There is nothing better than just sitting and watching her facial expressions while she is sleeping.

3. Witnessing Simon's love for Anna is totally more amazing than I could have ever imagined.

4. I now have "kids." Still feels strange to say "the kids."

5. Simon is like a giant compared to Anna. I remember a couple people in the comments a few weeks back talking about how big Simon would seem after her arrival. It is so VERY true. Each time I give him a hug, rustle my hand through his hair, and just look at his face I can't believe how old he is - I don' think without Anna for comparison I would have been able to "see" him as he really appears (I saw many more little boy features).

6. Girls clothes really are more fun than boys.

7. I am having moments where I miss Simon. In the midst of so much joy & celebration I am
missing him and the way things used to be. I am working hard to set
aside time for just me and him - to chat, to snuggle, to give him my
undivided attention. I don't want to lose our connection in this time
of transition. Bittersweet.

8. Taking a hot shower is one of my favorite parts of the day.

9. I love how Chris put his favorite photo of Anna as his phone wallpaper so he can whip it out and see her beautiful little face.

10. I really, really miss my Mom when she leaves after being here with us right after the births of both our kids. Just having her here and hanging out with her and having her take care of us is something I am so very thankful for - love you Mom. You are the best. These emotions seem even more powerful this time around as I glance over at Anna and have those "wow, I have a daughter" thoughts. The mother daughter bond is powerful in our family.

11. I can finally cough and blow my nose again without feeling like my incision is going to break wide open.

12. Listening to Simon talk to Anna is another favorite part of my day. Yesterday he was telling her all about Harry Potter. He says things like, "Baby Anna this is Obi Wan Kenobi." or "Baby Anna do you want to watch Harry Potter with me?" or "It's OK Anna, you are safe" when she cries.

13. Wireless internet and my laptop are something I am thankful for. For those of you surprised at my posting so soon after Anna's birth, some of the posts were planned in advance (like the giveaway) and others were done while I am sitting here on the couch nursing or holding Anna. So thankful for our big brown comfy couch.

14. Having your 10 year old washer & dryer die the day before a child is born is a total pain...especially if you are planning to use cloth diapers from the beginning. I ended up waiting and will start this next week after the new appliances are delivered.

15. Simon is having a challenging time at school right now with some behavior issues. The transitions at home seem to be impacting him in different ways this time around - one of which is acting out physically when he is frustrated. Hoping that this too shall pass sooner rather than later as we all settle into our new routine.

16. Over the last two weeks Simon has gone to be and woke up saying he is
sick, hoping he will be able to stay home. It's gotta be hard for him
to leave in the morning - especially with his favorite person (Grandma
Pati) and his new favorite person (Baby Anna) here at home.

17. Yesterday was my first really tough day. Overwhelmed. Tired. Weepy. Anna not interested in sleeping until late in the afternoon. Fighting a cold.

18. Remembering each day that tomorrow is another day; that I need to treasure these early moments and let go of my own personal expectations for how the day should go.

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325 thoughts

  1. Krys72599 says…

    #12 is my favorite - "you are safe"???
    What an awesome big brother!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jacky says…

    I was also wondering how you had time to update your blog... Pol's now almost 4 months (he was born Oct. 30) and only now am I starting to have time to do stuff and not on a regular basis... depends on each day!
    So cute about daddy having Anna's photo on his phone.
    She truly is adorable. Congrats Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jacky says…

    And just a last comment (they keep coming to mind) I love your today thoughts... too true!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Brenda says…

    Reading your list brought back so many memories and emotions that I had 9 months ago when my daughter Audrey was born. (My son Jacob was 2 at the time). It's almost like reading my own journaling. It's comforting knowing that other mothers go through the same emotions and experiences. We are not alone!
    The next month or so may be difficult while you're trying to heal and adjusting to life with a newborn and two kids. But after a few months you'll look back and realize how sweet life is with a boy and girl (especially the shopping part!). :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Angela Moore says…

    congrats on baby Anna, she is lovely! Not sure if you know about these, but if you're getting a cold you need to try it out. It's called a neti pot. You can get it at any drugstore, grocery store, etc. I know you like things as natural as possible and with feeding Anna you probably don't want to take any unneeded meds. Google neti pot if you don't have one. I have stopped colds/sinus infections in there tracks by using this. Blessings....

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Maggie says…

    Your comments on how Simon is with Anna just melt my heart!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Paula says…

    Oh wow - I can totally relate to all of these. My 2 year old seems so BIG now with our new little one in the house. And I adore watching her sleep and watching her take in her new surroundings. But oh dear - you're a rock star for nursing AND typing. I haven't attempted that one yet!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jakki says…

    THIS is sooooooo sweet.....
    ...."It's OK Anna, you are safe" when she cries.
    I love that big brother outlook...

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Linda says…

    The smell of the top of a newborn's head. Intoxicating! That is my most vivid memory of those days. When I hold a newborn, the smell initiates flashbacks of each of my children at this precious stage.
    I recall when we were expecting our second child (a daughter) looking at my son and isn't fair to him, or to this could I ever love another child as much as I love him. Then Liz arrived and I fell head over heels in love. 23 and 21, they are still best friends, covering each other's back. She is a midshipman in the Navy ROTC unit at Vanderbilt, and he a senior at U of Maryland who has actively protested the war in Iraq. What amazes me about neither sees the other's life choices as contradictions of his/her own, rather they are there cheerleaders for the other and respectful of their differences...actually seeing their choices as complimentary of the others. Which is all the more amazing considering our son is also on the spectrum.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Hillary Chybinski says…

    Thank you - for sharing - for being so "real" and giving voice to the many things we all (as mothers especially) feel. . .take comfort that you are not alone - we're here - supporting and rooting for you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Annie says…

    Wow! Your little daughter is so tiny and cute!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. CrabbyAmy says…

    Congrats on your very lovely family Ali! your daughter is beautiful and I'm so happy for you that the bond between the "kids" ;) is so great. I had to chuckle about hearing your washer breaking down right before the baby came. Both times when I had my boys, our dishwasher broke down! And yeah, so the second time around that dishwasher was only 2 1/2 years old. Really not pleasant to suddenly have to handwash dishes with new baby in tow. So I feel for you on the washing machine and it will be a great relief for you when you get it! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Becky Swisher says…

    Oh sound very positive but I can tell that you are a little down...Just like anything in life "transitions" effect everyone differently. We are inherently cautious of change. "Fight or Flight" is the core of our existence. You know that "this to shall pass"... and then you and your family will be onto a new stage...and so on. Take Care.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Joanna says…

    Your family is just beautiful. Your #7 brings tears to my eyes. My children are 22 and 24 years old and I miss my babies so much. I try not to think about it. Yes I love them as adults but gosh I miss my little ones. It slips away in the everyday activities and before you know it it's all over. This time in your life is precious but you seem to get that better than I did at the time.
    God bless, Joanna

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lisa Jackson says…

    Sweet, sweet girl,
    Be kind to yourself. Simon will ease into this, just as all four of you will. I remember quite vividly that after my brother was born (we're four years apart), I dreamt that my mom, my dad, my brother and I were all in a space ship in space suits (this was the late 60s). Suddenly, the space ship opened up and my brother fell out, leaving my mom and dad and me together. I was blissfully happy. When I awoke, I was equally happy to find my brother sleeping safely in his crib.
    The green-eyed monster is powerful. And temporary.
    Rest. Eat chocolate. Be good yourself.
    Lots of love!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Angie Blom says…

    I know how you feel , i felt these things when i had my daughter and my son was 10 and a half years older than her.. all of a sudden they are so much older in your eyes compared to the smallness of their sibiling. for us we gather once a week in my king size bed for cuddle time all four of us. it doesn't matter what is going on we stop everything and have a halk hour of total snuggle time... she is now three and he is 13 and we still do this once a week. it is a special time just for family!! enjoy your moments, (((HUGS)))

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Christina says…

    Good post. Your daughter's gorgeous!
    P.S. I guess it's time to make an "Anna" category for your blog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Elsie says…

    I don't think I've ever posted a comment on your blog before, Ali, but I've been following along for years. This post brings back SO many memories for me and is even making me teary-eyed over my morning coffee. Going from "kid" to "kids" is such an exciting and challenging transition. Someday it will be difficult to remember what just one "kid" was like! I can also tell you that now, with "kids" who are 9 and 6, it just keeps getting better and better...and better! Thank you for this wonderful posts and the beautiful pictures of Anna! Ah, sweet memories. All the very best to you and your family!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Michelle says…

    Simon saying "It's OK Anna, you are safe" when she cries, made me cry :)
    She is so beautiful! I remember those first days and weeks of being a mama to a new baby as the most magical, and the most challenging, of my life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. tracey m. says…

    Sending love and strength and good energy your way, Ali.

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  21. Jennifer Schultz says…

    My mantra with each of my 3 newborns:
    Tommorrow will be a tiny bit easier than today.
    And its SO true. You get get better, the kids get better adjusted. So thankful that more days are winners rather than losers;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. ann says…

    You are truly a great mother. Although Anna obviously needs more attention, you don't expect more from Simon, but expect more from yourself to make that special time for him. I have a friend who always wanted a daughter and when she had one, her son was forgotten. And to this day, 5 years later, she puts her daughter first.

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  23. Kate says…

    So true about feeling sad about how things used to be with that first child. I so remember being weepy, feeling guilty and feeling the loss of how it was just with her and I. It changes and grows; and those feelings go away with time. I love how you said it out loud. I don't think enough people acknowledge that loss and those feelings. ( She's gorgeous, by the way!) Kate

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  24. Mindy M. says…

    My baby girl will be one on Thursday & I am re-living lots of things through you (some that I've already forgotten in such a short time)(my son is also 7 years older than my daughter). It's just starting to not feel odd to say 'the kids'
    I'm glad you choose to share your life with us online.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Marla says…

    I have a 6 week old and can relate to almost your entire list. The last one gets me through every single day. Also, showers are the most peaceful things ever and one handed typing should be an olympic sport. Congrats on your sweet girl!

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