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Week In The Life 2011 | Thursday Words + Photos

week in the life | thursday


This morning I was thankful for the sun streaming in the kitchen windows.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for medication that regulates my body.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for hot tea and the beautiful way the steam dances out of the cup.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a quiet moment to read the paper.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a hot shower.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful to hear Simon reading to Chris.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for Katie's help in getting ready for a neighborhood garage sale.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for distractions.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for time.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for dinner out and a glass of wine.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for a walk in the park.

So how's it going out there? You guys hanging in there?

I got a bit of joy today in looking back at my April 2010 Week In The Life Thursday post. It was fun to see what was different and what was the same.


In a world where the moments in our lives can be transformed into art of the everyday, it's important that it reflects our own unique personalities. As a designer, I've teamed up with key companies to develop innovative products and tools for the papercraft industry. This is your creative journey, time to embrace your imperfections - what you'll discover will be wonderful, what you'll discover will be yourself..



If you are here because Tim sent you over, welcome. I'm hosting a big giveaway this week which includes a selection of products from Tim as well as other companies who are supporting my Week In The Life project. To enter that giveaway please leave a comment by clicking over to the giveaway post. If you'd like to learn more about me and this site please visit my welcome page.

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146 thoughts

  1. Sara Mangan says…

    Love your pictures, Ali!! I took this class from you at CKu-Chicago. I love to look back and see how life has changed. Thanks for helping us all capture the every stuff.

    I captured a moment between my husband and daughter that I just love. I posted it here:

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  2. Melissa says…
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  3. Colleen Ryan says…

    I am loving this week of capturing photos - as usual, the week didn't turn out to be as 'usual' as I'd expected ... the day to day varied a little more than it normally seems to. Though I wonder if that might always be the case and I only realize it now that I am capturing the moment by moment of our days, and perhaps I normally just 'forget' the varations.

    Here's a glance at our Wed & Thurs pics:

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Sharon Dryjanski says…

    Hi Ali love the photo in the shower totally awesome....I had a slow day yesterday with pictures and felt as though I was losing steam. I heard myself saying "oh it is not important to take a picture of Ace hardware" and than it dawned on me I need to see the number things I do in the day. Also it was out of the ordinary because I had a leaking water pipe and had the handyperson come to repair the leak. I had her picture on Monday so I did not take another picture. So my goal today is for more photos and to stop judge what photos to take and snap away! Thanks for your support and love the pics of Anna and Simon. blessings & hugs

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Love that perspective.

  5. Laura A says…

    I always love your photos, Ali!! This is my first time doing WITL and I am loving it!!!

    Here's my Thursday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Beth says…

    Love your photos!

    Here's mine for Thrusday:

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  7. Susan Anderson says…

    Inspiring as always...yea how did you get that shower photo? Here's my Thursday;

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Teresa says…
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  9. Mandy says…

    Still love the first photo, peaceful looking.

    Had to re-post, forgot a picture!

    Week in the Life - Thursday 7.29.11

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Mae says…

    I love the steamy cup photo you took.

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  11. Amy Lynn says…

    Thanks for your words of encouragement and support Ali... I am still trying to stay focused, but as the week goes on, it does get more challenging. Life has a way of "interrupting" what you have planed! This is my first year doing WITL and I really love it. It is so much fun to slow down and look for the little things that are happening all around us everyday. I have noticed through this project, that there are so many small events/interactions that make up our day and who we are that end up being forgotten two minutes after they happen. This project not only gives you a real glimpse into a week in your life, but an honest look at who you are in that moment. This project has been very theraputic for me, it has changed me in ways that I am only just beginning to understand. These words seem small in comparison to what you've given...but thank you Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Amy Lynn - that's such a big part of the reason I do this project each year for myself.

  12. teresa says…

    I can say that I am Thankful for the rain we have gotten the last 3 days to help COOL this midwest town down a little from this heat/humidity and also to bring out the beautiful flowers!!

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  13. Renie in MN says…

    Friday~~something extraordinary about me~~I didn't get soooo frustrated I x'ed out of the page trying to find where to comment!! Well, I did once...then went back to my facebook page and there was another post by T!m with another link..still complicated. :) One big extraordinary thing about me is I will be married to my wonderful hubby for 45 years tomorrow, July 30th~~well the truth of the matter the extraordinary goes to him to hang in with me for 45 years!! Man, I am getting old!! {{this comment is likely in the wrong spot, but whatever-I never win any of these anyway}} Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jenny says…

    This morning I am thankful that I read your post. Charming, simple, and feelings of gratitude. Simply lovely photos and words.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Marcia/cmriker1 says…

    I LOVE your steam photo (absolutely wonderful!) My days are definitely the same most of the time, however, I realize that in five years my MOTS of today will probably be quite different than my MOTS then, so it is definitely good to document it now. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. cindy says…

    rad steam & shower shot!!!
    still going strong here...though, i think my family is ready for me to retire my camera & they should know that will never happen..hehe.

    here is my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Colleen F says…

    I have to say that I am really enjoying seeing the pictures and reading about the different days. It is so fun to see what is important to others. I have been following WITL for several years now and have always wanted to try and complete this project. I am hoping to start on Sunday and complete it next week along with another project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michele H. says…

    omg…anna is hilarious! love her comment about the "sprinkler". just gotta love kids at that age and the things they say:) beautiful photos and words.

    here is my thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Bevie Pearl says…

    I am enjoying seeing your photos. I really like your gratitude/thankfulness photos. That is a great idea to include and think about when documenting the day. :)

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  20. Fran Camero says…

    Love your blog. I read it every day and look forward to your pictures. Thank you so much for sharing your talent, your family and your photos with us. Also, thank you for an opportunity to win some Tim Holtz blog candy.
    God Bless

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  21. Carol says…

    Your photos are great. I love this idea of documenting your day! Thank you

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  22. Andi Sexton says…

    It's been fabulous taking this weeks photos and documenting our lives...lots of thoughts actually in my head!

    And.. Just returned from my morning walk and took my camera! lovin' it...

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jen V. says…

    Ali, I love this post, your post from last year, and especially that quote! If ever there was a motto for this project, I think that quote should be it! :)

    I'm thankful for you - for being an inspiring teacher to all of us. For encouraging us to look at life a different way. For challenging us to capture everything that is important. I don't know you, and I'll probably never be lucky enough to meet you, but you have made a difference in my life that I will cherish through this project. Thank you for being you!

    Here's my Thursday post:

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Ellie A. says…

    Such a wonderful Share. My Thursday is going to consist of 2 pictures as it was a not feeling to good kind of day. Ha.. But I did journal so that does count right? Here is my Day 4 which DID have loads of pics. I can't wait to do this again next year & compare!

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  25. teri says…

    i love checking out all the week in the life projects. i hope next year i'm brave enough to try one of my own.

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