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Week In The Life 2011 | Thursday Words + Photos

week in the life | thursday


This morning I was thankful for the sun streaming in the kitchen windows.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for medication that regulates my body.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for hot tea and the beautiful way the steam dances out of the cup.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a quiet moment to read the paper.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a hot shower.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful to hear Simon reading to Chris.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for Katie's help in getting ready for a neighborhood garage sale.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for distractions.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for time.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for dinner out and a glass of wine.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for a walk in the park.

So how's it going out there? You guys hanging in there?

I got a bit of joy today in looking back at my April 2010 Week In The Life Thursday post. It was fun to see what was different and what was the same.


In a world where the moments in our lives can be transformed into art of the everyday, it's important that it reflects our own unique personalities. As a designer, I've teamed up with key companies to develop innovative products and tools for the papercraft industry. This is your creative journey, time to embrace your imperfections - what you'll discover will be wonderful, what you'll discover will be yourself..



If you are here because Tim sent you over, welcome. I'm hosting a big giveaway this week which includes a selection of products from Tim as well as other companies who are supporting my Week In The Life project. To enter that giveaway please leave a comment by clicking over to the giveaway post. If you'd like to learn more about me and this site please visit my welcome page.

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146 thoughts

  1. NancyLee says…

    Hi Ali, I love your photoz esp the coffee steam. I am so happy to know how you love the sun flare out the window, it's the first thing I check in the kitchen. Thank you for such a great inspiring project. I enjoy taking everyday photos and glad to put them somewhere more solid. Thank you again and here my Thursday post:

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Stephanie L. says…

    Love today's post! Want to go out on a date with the hubs & have a glass of while & just say 'ahhhhh'. It's been a wonderful wonderful week of capturing life. Thank you, ALi!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jesa says…

    Good morning Ali! I look forward to seeing the pictures you capture each day and know you take most of the pic. and use a self-timer but how was the shower shot taken? Enjoy your day.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      We have a ledge in our shower that's just about the same height as my shoulders. I used two dry washcloths to hold the camera in place and took two shots (it was really steamy). This is the one I liked the best. It was a bit of a challenge but worth it.

  4. sarah lewis says…

    Looks like you are having a great week. Thanks for sharing and inspiring others. I love today's sponsor. His products are the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. MichelleC says…

    Love the thankful focus of your day. My Thursday was focused on my work day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Dee Cummins says…

    I love your 'thankful for' journaling and great pictures. It's nice to see Tim Holtz as one of your sponsors.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. maureen sala says…

    a day in the life - i must do this one. so inspirational - oh to have little ones again. great pictures - my day is get up, go to work, do stuff around the house, fix dinner, yardwork/water, and shower - that's during the week - the weekends are Free!


    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Sherri says…

    Read about this on Facebook!! Great project! I also tried to leave a comment for the giveaways but the link did not work!!! thanks for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Cheryl C... says…

    I'm new to your blog and am loving your photos! I love your concept of capturing daily life instead of only the "biggies". I must concentrate on this more.

    Something about me? At age 45 I learned Spanish and a few years later I earned another degree with 2 more majors.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Becky H says…

    I love all the pictures and words today. I am also loving the worksheets you shred for this year. I am getting a lot more documentation down this year as opposed to last year. I am loving just focusing on the pictures and words this week. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. bin says…

    love to see the different ways of life all over the world!

    here is my day 4 in germany:

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Allison Waken says…

    I'm hangin in there! Happy after yesterday that I chose to do all my pictures with my iPhone because it has been a crazy work week for me (I work at home) Here's my day

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Margaret Wilburn says…

    I love the whole concept and your photographs are really beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Junih says…

    Hi Ali, thanks for the Week in the Life idea. I'm so excited as this year I made it in Adelaide, my new home.

    This is my day 4 post:

    Best regards from Adelaide.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nikki M. says…

    I am brand new to your blog and am in love with it! Thank you for all the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Gabby says…

    What I love about this Week in the Life, is that you can't help but be happier if you are recognizing, taking note of and feeling gratitude for all the moments in your life. Seventy-five percent of life consists of ordinary, everyday moments. The other twenty-five percent is made up of the most amazing things you can imagine, mixed with a few unexpected jalepenos ... and either can occur in the blink of an eye! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Noreen says…

    Great photos of everyday life. One look at them later will immediately bring back this moment!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Dar Sirrine says…

    What a great idea! I just found this and looking back at the earlier posts, has been very inspiring. I want to do this!! What a great legacy to leave for my grandchildren. Thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kavi Coulson says…

    What a joy to find your blog. It's a great reminder to enjoy the simple pleasures life offers us each day! And thanks to Tim for sponsoring today 'cause that's how I found you.
    Right now I am listening to my dh as he mows the backyard. Music to my ears! He brings me joy every day with all he does for me and shares with me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Nancy mitchell says…

    Thanks for sharing your daily life! Guess we are all just people.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Marsha Alford says…

    You a doing an awesome job of inspiring people to capture their memories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Laurie J.M. says…

    I love embracing my many imperfections and making imperfect art. It's liberating to know that whatever I make does not have to be perfect, or even liked by anyone except myself.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Debby R says…

    Love this concept! I missed starting this week but think I will do it next week. Off to print out the forms you posted...

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Kirsten Varga says…

    This is my first year doing this and I am hanging in there. I am learning to embrace the imperfection and ride the wave. Learning how to pay attention to my day and trying not to fret that I'm not doing it "right". Thank you thank you for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. elise says…

    love today's images, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies

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