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Week In The Life 2011 | Thursday Words + Photos

week in the life | thursday


This morning I was thankful for the sun streaming in the kitchen windows.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for medication that regulates my body.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for hot tea and the beautiful way the steam dances out of the cup.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a quiet moment to read the paper.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a hot shower.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful to hear Simon reading to Chris.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for Katie's help in getting ready for a neighborhood garage sale.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for distractions.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for time.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for dinner out and a glass of wine.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for a walk in the park.

So how's it going out there? You guys hanging in there?

I got a bit of joy today in looking back at my April 2010 Week In The Life Thursday post. It was fun to see what was different and what was the same.


In a world where the moments in our lives can be transformed into art of the everyday, it's important that it reflects our own unique personalities. As a designer, I've teamed up with key companies to develop innovative products and tools for the papercraft industry. This is your creative journey, time to embrace your imperfections - what you'll discover will be wonderful, what you'll discover will be yourself..



If you are here because Tim sent you over, welcome. I'm hosting a big giveaway this week which includes a selection of products from Tim as well as other companies who are supporting my Week In The Life project. To enter that giveaway please leave a comment by clicking over to the giveaway post. If you'd like to learn more about me and this site please visit my welcome page.

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146 thoughts

  1. Laura says…

    Hi Ali! Here are my Thursday's favorite photos!.
    I love your photos!! I love this project! Thanks for the opportunity to I see my life with detail!

    Week in the Life - Thursday - Laura

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Marie says…

    Lovely pictures!
    Here is my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. dawn says…

    Happy Friday Morning Ali,

    Ok just have to start by saying HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET THE SHOWER PHOTO, REALLY YOU ROCK AND ARE SOOOOO INSPIRING!! Seriously love this one.

    I love seeing Chris in there again and Simon's striped pj's are always cute. We are getting ready for a garage sale too, it's a lot of work but the best part is meeting and talking with the families that stop by. We also put our vegetables from the garden out there and the same families come back each summer just for that alone. Good luck and have fun with yours.

    Thank you for your visit on my blog, was going to share the news with you this morning because your kids would love this idea too. It really made me feel better about our days and not so worried that this years WITL isn't as packed as last years was. So thanks for the comment and it made my day.

    I'm so glad you put Thursday of 2010 in for us to peek again, I remember that day and love it. Also made me realize I miss your quotes and they helped me along. Everyone reading this today make sure to go peek at her link, it's well worth it.

    Another question if you have the time Ali, after looking at my low amount of pictures for the week on changing my album format, not sure if there's enough to fill up each day. Since your week has been kinda slow are you changing your mind or rethinking anything now??? Thanks for the help if you can.
    Happy Friday everyone and if you need an idea to entertain the kids check out my blog at I threw a Christmas in July party for my kids and we loved it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Not rethinking at all - the templates I'm using should still work for the number of photos I have (remember that I'm not sharing them all here - I still have more to add).

  4. EE K says…

    Hi there. This has been great fun!

    Have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jessfo says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Greisy says…

    Hi Ali

    Right now seeing all the movement around week in the life, it´s kind of sad for me because I couldn´t do it this week... but definitely this will be a project that I´ll do soon :)
    Really enjoying this week in your life! This really inspires me. Joining and enjoying the adventure!
    Thank you Ali for always encouraging us to capture our ordinary life :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. sonja says…
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  8. Sue says…

    Loving this project. My first time and will definitely be joining in again next year. My 4th day was a little bit of a lousy one - but captured it warts and all for my W.I.L album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Brandy says…

    Great photos! Love the one of the steam over the tea mug! Here is my Thursday

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Alison says…

    loving this project and still on track with it. I have gout a album big enough to fit a couple of years worth of this project into it

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Erika says…

    I am loving this project so much and I am so glad that I decided to participate this time. Here is a little peek inside my Thursday too

    Hope you have a great Friday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Amber says…

    I love these photos. The steam one is awesome. I am thankful for friends while my husband is away to break up a long (and full) week!—thursday.html

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Christina T says…

    I started on Saturday, so I am a little sad that the week of documentation is almost over, but I'm excited about putting it all together. Thank you so much for another year of motivating us to keep up with WITL.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jasmine Ford says…

    I love looking at your pictures, you've inspired me to seek out some photography classes! thanks for the great inspiration day after day. Here's the link up to my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Isabelle says…

    I am so happy this year to have décider to joindre the Week In the Life project.

    Ali, today I am thankful that you are sharing your creativity with us.

    This is how Thursday went at our house.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. DAnett says…

    I really enjoy it! I had a lovely day yesterday, and here is my photoes:

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Janet White says…

    My 'week' is finished and I'm creating the final pages (posting them to my blog as I get them completed). I ran into a hitch with attitude issues, but once I gave myself permission to just do what works, I'm falling in love with the templates. Of course, your photos are SO very inspirational. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Monica says…

    Here is my Thursday! Thanks for inspiring so many with this project Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. cassiopee says…
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  20. Arlyna says…

    Your photos are very inspiring and really making me look at capturing things i would not normally take photos of.

    I always end up with less day time photos as I keep forgetting to take photos until it is time to go home... do you have any tips? I find this experience a bit more challenging than the December Daily because I don't seem to get enough photos of kids in it except in the evening...

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I think that's pretty normal if you are a working mom :). I felt like that yesterday and since it's my reality right now I'm going with it. Remember that this project can be more about you and less about them - my albums are from my perspective and is really more a week in my life. A week in my life includes my kids and what's happening with them but it's more about what's happening with me - does that make sense?

  21. Denise Laborde says…

    I love all the (self?) portraits you ve included of yourself this year!

    I started on Sunday and yesterday was my least documented day. It is harder than I thought to keep this project present in my mind while on vacation ;-) But no stress over here. It's all good.

    Particularly liked Tracey Clark's WITL disclaimer yesterday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Lara says…

    Lovely collection Ali. Love the car mirror shot and you've reminded me to look up more with the birds photograph! Here's my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. scrapthat/dolly says…

    Love the steamy coffee pick and your "distractions" picture :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I updated the post to include the linky.

    2. Stephanie Medley-Rath says…

      Where is the linky tool for today? I loved seeing the list of of people's posts from each day. I haven't had a chance to check many of them out, but really love seeing the different and similar directions people go with their Week in the Life.

  24. Mandy says…

    The first picture is adorable, love your white kitchen. Looks bright and peaceful!

    Week in the Life - Thursday 7.29.11

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. jennifer says…

    I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is doing; I'm not participating this week but will do another week soon.

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