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Week In The Life 2011 | Thursday Words + Photos

week in the life | thursday


This morning I was thankful for the sun streaming in the kitchen windows.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for medication that regulates my body.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for hot tea and the beautiful way the steam dances out of the cup.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a quiet moment to read the paper.

week in the life | thursday

This morning I was thankful for a hot shower.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful to hear Simon reading to Chris.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for Katie's help in getting ready for a neighborhood garage sale.

week in the life | thursday

This afternoon I was thankful for distractions.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for time.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for dinner out and a glass of wine.

week in the life | thursday

Tonight I was thankful for a walk in the park.

So how's it going out there? You guys hanging in there?

I got a bit of joy today in looking back at my April 2010 Week In The Life Thursday post. It was fun to see what was different and what was the same.


In a world where the moments in our lives can be transformed into art of the everyday, it's important that it reflects our own unique personalities. As a designer, I've teamed up with key companies to develop innovative products and tools for the papercraft industry. This is your creative journey, time to embrace your imperfections - what you'll discover will be wonderful, what you'll discover will be yourself..



If you are here because Tim sent you over, welcome. I'm hosting a big giveaway this week which includes a selection of products from Tim as well as other companies who are supporting my Week In The Life project. To enter that giveaway please leave a comment by clicking over to the giveaway post. If you'd like to learn more about me and this site please visit my welcome page.

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146 thoughts

  1. Cindy Albrecht says…

    Tim Holtz gave us the link to your page and I am so glad he did! I love the photo's, stories and links to some pretty awesome sites! You are now on my "favorites" list! For me, the most important thing in life is Family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Ginger says…

    Love your "gratitude attitude". It's contagious. Come on everyone, pass it along!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Margie S says…

    Here is my Day 4 which is Wednesday as I started on Sat.

    Such a fun project to do with others. I like having a place to "report my progress."

    I know I wouldn't be nearly as good at taking pictures if it weren't for the (almost) daily practice of taking a photo a day (or intending to) for the past 2 & a half years. Having the camera out everyday makes it a habit. It is now always a part of my life. I get better at remembering every year as well as less shy with practice (I.e. taking silly photos in public or in front of or of guests/visitors). It's been a process.

    Summer routines in our house are more varied than during the year so Theres def more to photograph.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Margie S says…

      Oops! Meant to say I started on Sunday.

  4. D. Swanson says…

    It is so valuable to be reminded of the importance of both small and large things in your life. I am so grateful for my beautiful children and wonderful husband who although aggravating at times, always make life worth living.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. chel says…

    I love these posts so very much...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. {vicki} says…

    love your shower photo

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ruth says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  8. April Cortinas says…

    I had a question on the photo of the medication bottle and the tea what settings do you use? I love the way you focus on the medicine bottle and everything else is blurry, how do you do that? i have been working on Manual mode but still adjusting. THen to get the steam coming from the tea, please enlighten me on how you do that? I love all your photos, you take great pics. Keep up the great work.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Hi April - I've got the camera set to AV mode and I think for that shot the ISO was set at 400. I think the blurred background comes from the lens I'm using and how I choose my focal point - to be honest I really don't know all that much I just play around until I get a shot I like :)...same with the steam. Here's a bunch of technical information about Depth of Field:

  9. Loydene says…

    You are sounding a bit stressed. Something else for a week to reflect!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Mikki McGehee says…

    I am still going and still loving this this project. I felt Tuesday wasn't as good for picture taking, but I still took some good ones.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Mandy says…

    I feel so blessed to be looking out at my garden this morning. Can't wait for all the veggies to wripen so they can be harvested and enjoyed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Julia Rene' says…

    Thankful to you for sharing a day in your life....

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Cheri C says…

    This is such a wonderful idea. So many times we focus on the "events" of our lives and forget to be thankful for the small significant things that make our lives beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing yours!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Cassie K says…

    beautiful pictures and great things to be thankful for

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Sarah Douglas says…

    In that 'thankful for distractions' photo, there's a little plastic bicycle ... that looks like one I had (and have now for my girls) - circa 1986 or so, Strawberry Shortcake? I'm thankful for old toys having a second childhood with my kids!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Laura says…

    Your pictures are so clear and lovely. Thank you so much for sharing them, and for this project. I am having so much fun and can't wait to start putting my album together! Here is my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Beth W says…

    You never cease to amaze me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Dottie says…

    Hello, Imagine just imagine, receiving this box of goodies...OMG, this woman would lock the door, undisturbed and create and create....What is awesome about me you asked....I absolutely cherish the gift of each day at my age, and so enjoy visiting so many creative websites....blessings to all, Dottie

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Renee says…

    REally enjoying all you observations this week. I'm prepping to start my week in the life soon.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Christine says…

    I am liking the daily themes I am seeing in your photos. I almost wish I was doing this next week instead to do that myself. Everyone else's lives always look so much more light and colorful and picturesque than mine, but I am sure everyone else feels that way about their own daily life shots. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. JennV says…

    Love your journaling for today. I just love this project so far. I am amazed at the different photos I get each day. Can't wait for more today!

    Here is my Thursday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. IRIS FERREIRA says…

    Hi Ali !!!

    You are the SCRAP person the peolpe have to say Special Tks for all you have being done and share with us tks for the PHotos love it


    Reply 0 Replies
  23. melody says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  24. sandra says…

    I was lead here by Tim's post. You remind me to be thankful and to be specific. That is a good thing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Virginia Lincoln says…

    I hope I am not misunderstanding the parameters of the contest, but here goes. One unique thing about me? I sing in a regional chorus in northern NJ. I joined six weeks after I got married four weeks after I moved from Boston to NJ, and three weeks after starting my first real job as a lawyer. That was 25 years ago. I still have the husband, but not the job. I have two teenage goys. I am now the longest continuing member of the chorus save one. I have been its president - twice - and a member of its Board of Directors for 18 years. I was its historian (i.e. I kept the scrapbook, of course) for almost 20 years. And yet, I have never once scrapped it for myself although every other detail of my life and that of my family has been chronicalled down to the last silly detail. Soon, very soon.

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