Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. Mabel M says…

    My superpower is to keep intact the capacity to dream and imagine :)

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  2. Rhonda says…

    I think all mom's are superheroes, and I am one of them!

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  3. Lauren says…

    Hi, Ali. Thank you for inspiring us to think about something good about ourselves. We are all so quick to put ourselves down; it's just easier somehow than to remember what we do well.
    I think I'm doing a good job of relating to my 13 year-old daughter. I remember well being in 8th grade. I'm trying hard to be a strong woman and guide her through her teen years w/o being overbearing and judgmental. So far, I think it's working!

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  4. Vicky says…

    Hi Ali: Love the necklace. I'd have to say my superpower is strength. Life is being kind of hard on me right now and I wasn't sure I'd have the strength to make it through. I'm not sure where it's coming from, but lo and behold there it is. I think having kids, does that to us. I don't know what I'd do without them. BTW, love your yellow layout yesterday.

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  5. MelissaL88 says…

    My superpower? I am able to *play* with my boys: ball, video games, bike riding. One of my son's friends made the comment that ladies don't play video games and both my boys piped up "Mine does! That's HER Guitar Hero game".

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  6. Kelli Johnson says…

    hmmm well besides being an amazing People Pleaser...I also am uncanny at keeping my counter top almost 90% covered :)
    But seriously, I'm the girl you want to experience opening presents with, I love presents, getting, and giving and get so excited no matter what it is :) Fun posts!

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  7. Teresa says…

    I'd say my superpower right now is protecting and growing this little baby girl in my belly. She's our first and it's been so amazing to see how my body (and mind) have adapted to building this tiny new life!
    Gorgeous necklaces!!

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  8. Christy says…

    What a great give away!! The first thing that comes to mind... since I should be working but instead am reading this blog... is that I am a good Project Manager (my profession). It is a icy, winter day in Dallas so winning would be a great pick me up!

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  9. gloria says…

    my superpower? giving my girls as much love as i possibly can. telling them how much i love them all the time and showing it to them as much as possible. teaching my girls not only how to talk to elders, to peers, but more importantly, how to talk to themselves!

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  10. Erin says…

    I can make my 2-year old laugh like nobody else. The sound of his 'belly' laugh is probably my most favorite sound in the whole world.

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  11. Michelle Suleman says…

    I'm a mama two to great kids, I run a house and manage to keep my hubby on track. I think they all take super-like powers especially the husband part.

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  12. April says…

    I am the mom of 7 amazing children, all of whom I have delivered at home. I think that I am a superhero at being a mom and I love every minute of it!!

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  13. abbie says…

    My superpower is the ability to control unruly, hormone-driven teenagers! I am a high school teacher and love what I do :)

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  14. allison Gottlieb says…

    My superpower is to always find the good in just about any situation. Feeling down about something, my super powers can hopefully make you smile again.

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  15. Linda says…

    My super power is that I can get 2 loads of laundry done, 1 cat fed and litterbox cleaned, 3 dogs fed and let outside, 2kids dressed, fed, and out the door by 7:00!

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  16. Lan Amphone says…

    Beautiful necklace and what a great gift it would be.
    I have a 3yr old, 2 year old and expecting at 5 1/2 months so I guess my strongest superpower is to love unconditionally each and everyone of them.

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  17. Amy Coose says…

    My own personal superpower is the abliity to love unconditionally. I love the necklace, I hope I win!!!

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  18. Gayle says…

    I think my superhero power is the ability to multi-task and to do things quickly. With 3 kids, and all the things going on, I've got to get finished with one task, and onto the next.
    Thanks for the cool giveaway!

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  19. andrea says…

    A real super hero is almost always reluctant. When asked about an heroic deed, they usually say something like, "I didn't think about it, I just did it" or "I was only doing my job" or "that's what I was trained to do." Think Capt. C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot who made an emergency landing in the Hudson River. So perhaps a super hero out there might not respond to this Give-A-Away? Too shy? Too busy? Too reluctant? Then may I nominate one please? Her name is Samantha Van Arnhem. She is the mother of two little girls, one of whom has Rett Syndrome and one adopted from Guatemala. She works outside of the home, and still takes great care of her family (her husband is a h.s math teacher who is a super-hero of a Dad). She is also a talented scrapbook artist. If you asked her how she does it all, she'd laugh and say " Oh,I don't know." One of those lovely necklaces would be lovely on her. She deserves it.

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  20. Jill Adkins says…

    I would say my superpower would have to be the gift of encouragement and bringing "sunshine and joy" to people- strangers and friends- I just love giving something so simple, it truly has the power (superpower) to change someones life!
    Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!

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  21. Michele Bailey says…
    01/28/2009 super human powers? I'm a WOMAN. Need I say more!?!
    Michele B.

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  22. Britiney says…

    I'm a superhero to my kids. I love that in their little minds I really can do anything! I'm a pretty good cook too. :)

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  23. CINDY WELCH says…

    My superpower is what my friend and family call "Martha Stewart" I work long hours running a cardiology practice, where I am the administrator, RN, IT, secretary, accountant, janitor etc etc, then come home and do all these things at home. My powers are true as I have raised two wonderful children who have gone on to adulthood with confidence and knowing they are loved. I have been married for 24 years which is an accomplishment these days. So all in all, this "wonder woman" is pretty happy with a job well done.

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  24. Whitney says…

    I suppose that I am really good at keeping a clean house....I'm a neat freak and just can't function if things aren't tidy. That's my superpower. I love these necklaces!

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  25. Linda says…

    Super Power? The ability to nurture each of my children in a way, that allows him/her to find the path in life meant just for that child.
    We have nine great kids. The oldest of whom is twenty-two and a senior in college, the youngest a pair of four year old twins. In the mix are three college students, two high schoolers, two middle-schoolers who are partially home schooled and four year old twin daughters.
    The greatest compliment I've ever received from a teacher or school administrator, (and over the nineteen years that have passed, I have received many) is, "Each of your children are so uniquely his/her own person that if I didn't know they were brothers and sisters you'd never guess." At the time, I thought…well DUH they’re individuals. From the prospective of a young parent, our oldest three all in the early elementary grades, it was an appropriate thought. Still, the compliment tucked itself away in corner of my mind. Now as the fifty-year-old Mom of nine, three nearly grown, I realize what an enormous compliment it was.
    In our nest, we have a twenty-two year old son, who was arrested as he protested the war in Iraq. He’s now headed for law school. A twenty-one year old naval ROTC midshipman, majoring in geology. A nineteen year old PR major, who doesn't rise from her bed in the morning I'm certain without eyeliner in place. A seventeen year old left-leaning son who lives for the "pay it forward" tours. (Think tie-dyed t-shirt with peace symbol prominently displayed) A sixteen year old conservative who put the discipline in disciplined student. (Imagine a quiet teen, with razor sharp creases in her wool with a matching sweater set), a thirteen year old Audrey Hepburn clone who read her way through the entire elementary school library and is working on the middle schools selection, while organizing the family recycling program. An eleven-year-old son, who is a walking factoid on the Second World War, and has mastered the technology that, allows his dyslexia and dysgraphia to take a back seat. And bringing up the rear...A princess with curly brown hair, and big chocolate eyes. Determined to learn to read on her own, with a smile on her face and the ability to charm us all...and her blonde, blue eyed sister, who while being diagnosed as severely autistic, simply rocks our world with her tight hugs and giggle.
    I’ve come to believe that being a young parent can be a bit like looking through the wrong end of a telescope, it’s hard to see the whole picture. What I didn’t realize as a young mom was the fine line between nurturing and molding. How difficult it would sometimes be to separate what issues were mine, and which were my children’s. (There were sounds of rejoicing to be heard the day, my daughter and I came to the agreement that thirteen year old girls were actually more capable of finding the outfit they wanted, if they were all on the floor. And the fact that she is a Dean’s list student bear out the fact that it did not hamper her success in life. And the world did not quit spinning, when the bathrooms went without cleaning for a month while we dealt with a child’s crisis…and the bathrooms were still there ready to be scrubbed when it was resolved. And in fact, cookie dough ice cream for breakfast does appear to raise performance on final exams.) By letting go of the things that really didn’t matter, our children bloomed into the most people so uniquely their own.
    You can no longer eat off my bathroom floors, our cupboards contain enough junk to have induced a coma during an earlier phase of my life, and we own a video game system…. But, out of the ashes of my youthful idealism rose my super power…and how cool is that?!

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