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Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. Jackie F. says…

    My superpower is knowing when people need a smile. I'm good at sensing when a kind compliment or hug is needed to make someone feel good about themselves. Either that, or I've got skills when it comes to making mac and cheese!

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  2. Faith says…

    My superpower is my ability to get answers for anyone's question/ problem that comes to me. I just have a knack for finding answers whether I've been involved in the situation or I'm new to it that second.

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  3. Miranda says…

    Right now, my superpower would have to be the ablility to grow a baby. I'm 21 weeks pregnant with my first child and am overwhelmed with the magic of what is happening inside me. It makes me feel superhuman!

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  4. Veronica says…

    Wow her work is gorgeous! I would say that my Superpower is being able to "read" people, for the good and the bad, the power of being truly observant opens your eyes to alot of things.

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  5. Cindy Strickland says…

    Thanks, Ali, for the introduction to Andrea. Beautiful pieces of art. My superhero power is probably the ability to multi task with the best of them. Right now I am typing with one hand while eating my lunch with the other. I have a load of laundry going, one almost folded and the dishwasher is open and ready for my dish to go in after I eat my lunch. My husband thinks I am crazy not finishing one thing before going to the next; but it all gets done by the time the kids are home from school.

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  6. Susan Bowers says…

    I'm an awesome meteorologist (albeit an out-of-work meteorologist but an awesome one nonetheless...); I finally think I am creative too!

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  7. Karen says…

    my ability to forgive...and I make an awesome pb&j sandwich!

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  8. Tracy Schmitt says…

    My superhero power is to remember...I remember memories and people from many years ago (I still remember details of my 2nd birthday when my dad spilled iced tea on me :) ). It's a good power to have since I am my family historian.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. marlis says…

    Superpower..mmm. That is difficult, but I would say that mine is that I am a good teacher. I used to teach high school French and German, then was an educator for a major sewing machine company and now I keep our little group of scrappers in new projects. Yup that would be it, and that I'm super organized! :)

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  10. Amy says…

    I purchased a necklace from Andrea a few months ago for a friend of mine who seems like a superhero to me, she seems to just take on everything in life with boundless energy. I admire that. I bought her the silver one, she loved it.
    As far as my superpower, I often say I'm pretty good at most things right away, but I'm not exceptional at anything. But I guess to be pretty good at most things right away is a pretty good superpower. :) This excludes anything athletic. lol

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  11. Michelle Gardin says…

    My personal superpower? Talking it out. I am a veterinarian, and my clients are so appreciative when I take the time to explain the hard stuff and deliver the options. Their pets are family!!
    Hugs to all of you! Here's to a soon and healthy baby girl for you!!

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  12. Jennifer says…

    My superpower is forgiveness. I am simply incapable of holding a grudge, and forgive with or without an apology. My ability to forgive is not something I've worked on or developed, it's just always been something within me.

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  13. Emma says…

    I work in a group of 15 men as the only woman. My superpower is being able to wrangle, direct and advise them well enough that they work as a cohesive, successful team and gain the recognition they deserve.

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  14. Deborah says…

    I am a teacher. I can keep a room full of restless teenagers captivated for 90 minutes at a time with just the power of my voice and chalk.

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  15. Terri says…

    I am most proud of my relationships with my students. Many of them come back to see me years after they were in my eighth grade class. I love teaching them but more importantly, I treasure the connection I make with them as people. I don't know if it's a "superpower" but it's a gift I was blessed with having and I am reminded of it every time I am with them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Lyn says…

    good day Ali!
    My super power is encouragement. I have been called a "Barnabas" (son of encouragement) before, and I have found it increasingly important to tell people as often as possible how much a difference they make with their lives... and it exponentially encourages ME in return!!
    thanks and happy hump day!

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  17. Amanda Susan says…

    I have a huge heart.

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  18. Angie says…

    I'm very organized. I can keep my house running and work full time as an elementary teacher.

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  19. Anilu Magloire says…

    I am super organized girl to the rescue!!!!

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  20. Michelle W. says…

    What wonderful jewelry! I may have to "accidentally" forward her site to my hubby :)
    Superhero powers huh? Well, I guess I would have to say that I have the ability to not worry about things until it's time to worry. I've never been one to worry about medical tests, etc until there's something "concrete" to worry about. No sense worrying about the "what if's" of the world!

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  21. Rachel P. says…

    Superpower: I have the ability to really understand people, like, who they really are inside. Unfortunately, my villian side makes me too shy to fully use that superpower to its full potential.

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  22. Kimberly says…

    I'm the ultimate multi-tasker. I can do a million things at once and do them all pretty well. It drives my husband crazy!!!

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  23. Laurie says…

    Thanks for making me think of myself as a superhero, at least for a moment. I think my superhero power is seeing the potential in my children. They are amazing and the sky is the limit for what they will do wtih their lives ! (and have done already) Thanks !

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  24. karen in toronto says…

    Hmmm...interesting how it's difficult to think of something I'm awesome at.
    I'm good at perservering I think... tough situations seem to give me reserves I didn't know I had and I just stick things out somehow.
    Wishing you well with the new baby and a new chapter in your life!
    ...and yes, your blog is so very cool and inspiring. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Ashley says…

    My superpower is patience. I have been told by several people on several occasions that I have the gift of patience. Of course, like all superpowers, mine is often put to the test and I can fall from just makes me human, and not a super hero!

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