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Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. stacey says…

    Beautiful, colorful jewelery! My superpower - I multi task like no other. I have three small children, a sick husband, watch 3 other children in my home, teach card, scrap booking and cooking classes, blog, fulfill my church callings and somehow just get it done. I deal with life under pressure and I am grateful I have that ability.

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  2. melanie louette says…

    I would love that necklace, it's beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win it.
    My 'superpower'? The past ten years of Motherhood have made me a great multi-tasker and do-all person. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kristie says…

    At the office...I can get a tax return done like no bodies business! I'm also the one who has the ability to smooth out all the tension...
    At home...I am super mom!:) Three boys = the need for lots of of late "super mom" includes being up for Kung Fu Panda Uno at any moment!;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Carrie says…

    I am pretty good at tackling ambitious projects and seeing them through. When I get it in my mind to do something, there is no stopping me. It's a power that can be used for good as well as evil. :)

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  5. Chris SB says…

    My superpower would be positiveness. I like to look at the glass as half full, and it has rubbed off on other people. It's a great power to have!

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  6. Angie says…

    My superpower is creating and carrying a new life inside me. I'm 24 weeks pregnant and it's just magical. I feel like I can do anything now :-)
    Wonderful giveaway!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Mim says…

    My superhero power is that I can think like a child and am not afraid to get into that mindset!
    As a teacher, it helps :) I can think like they do, follow their sometimes convoluted trains of thought, and help them understand whatever it is we are doing. It is also a handy skill to have that allows me to be silly with them and do things that other adults may find ridiculous.

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  8. Courtney Newton says…

    My superpower is likely my patience. I teach special needs kids, and it would be easy to be cranky and impatient with them all the time.

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  9. Kate L. says…

    I came across Andrea's blog from your blog and found myself enchanted as well. I immediately purchased a superhero pendant for my sister -- a true superhero to me for raising two kids like a rock star, supporting my life like she lives next door despite living three hours away, and asking the right questions at the right time. When I gave her the necklace, tears started streaming down her face and she said "You really think so?!" Yeah, sister, I really think so.

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  10. Laura B. says…

    I have a knack for numbers. I know all account numbers that pertain to me off the top of my head.

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  11. Amy says…

    My personal superpower is an everyday motion for me. I have the awesome ability to give everyone my undivided attention when they are speaking to me. In other words, when I'm in a checkout line, it is my mission to really listen, pay attention and respond to the cashier. Too many times we don't pay attention to what's going on around us.....sometimes other people just need to have attention paid to them if even for just a minute. Change a life, pay attention!

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  12. stephanie says…

    I have the ability to go on a minimal amount of sleep and stay organized and functioning. Works well when the evil tummy bugs or germs invade our home!

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  13. Chris says…

    I'm a supercook and when my DH and son come home tired and hungry, I can literally bring them back to life with a good meal.

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  14. Terri says…

    Love her jewelry!
    I was just told at our church retreat that I'm very "open" and so I'm going to embrace that as my superpower!

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  15. Nicole J says…

    My superpower is being incredibly thoughtful of my friends & loved ones & always thinking of new ways to cheer them up & uniquely brighten their day.

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  16. Sarah H. says…

    Love these necklaces! Thanks for the giveaway!
    My superpower would have to be listening- I am really good ear for friends/family who need to share- or so I've been told! Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Jenny Alfonso says…

    Those are beautiful necklaces!
    What a great topic and it is something that I know I don't do enough of. Just the other day my girlfriend Abby and I were just talking about this. We both have sons with autism and Abby asked me, "Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that we would be capable of doing the things we are doing now (for our sons)?" Of course not! I am a very shy person - always have been. Seriously, I freak out with the very thought of speaking to strangers. But since autism has been in our lives, I've had to totally jump out of my comfort zone. I've had to make calls, go to meetings, meet specialists, argue for services I felt my son needed, speak up at our IEP meetings. It's amazing how far I've come. My most favorite quote is Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the things you think you cannot do." I think that applies to all of us.
    Have a great day!

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  18. Jeannette P says…

    I'm pretty good at organizing (other people's stuff, I don't get as much time as I'd like to organize mine in the same way). But when I asked my 4 yr old son what I'm good at he gave me a pretty extensive list that included hugging, kissing (called the LOVER powers) and one thing that I found sort of interesting was that he thinks I'm a good server. When I inquired a little more he said, "You serve us yummy food all the time." What sweet words.

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  19. Jingle says…

    I am great at teaching. If I know about something, I can pretty much teach it! I like that gift! It's useful!

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  20. Beth Nixon says…

    I decided I was a superhero just before the holidays.
    I think this should be the new superhero in the Justice League!

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  21. Dianne Nelson says…

    I'm good at getting things done. I often get asked to help out with projects at church or with my friends. I often get asked by my friends for help or for brainstorming ideas. I also am good at talking to children and love to work with children.
    Good prompt!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Sarah H. says…

    Love these necklaces! Thanks for the giveaway!
    My superpower would have to be listening- I am really good ear for friends/family who need to share- or so I've been told! Thanks!

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  23. Karen M. says…

    great necklaces....i think my superpower is my ability to bring joy to others through my words and deeds.

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  24. Kirsten says…

    My superpower is optimism - I usually find the silver lining and look at the world (and my world in it) with a lot of hope. And believing in the good in people first and foremost.
    Thanks for the giveaway. :) Kirsten

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  25. mary says…

    I have actually told people that I feel like a superhero after each day I've successfully managed my family! When i put 3 kids to bed, fresh from the bath and in sweet pajamas, I look at them and feel like a superhero.

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