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Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. Cindy McAllister says…

    I love her jewelry. My family would say that I am good at being a "Mom" which I have been for 27 years. I would say that I am good at just being a good person which is what my goal is every year.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a beautiful necklace.
    Cindy (Texas)

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  2. Ali says…

    Well I guess I am a superpower in patience and humility. My daughter has apraxia and truly is one of the joys of my life. But never thinking of ever being in this situation, I have learned that every person has a gift and it develops on their own timing. If I had chosen to focus on what she wasn't doing I would have missed out on all she is doing. So patience is a must and I have become a superpower in it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Tricia says…

    You both are amazing women! Big inspirations!
    I would say that my superpower is compassion & empathy. I really pride myself in knowing that I AM a compassionate soul and the ability to empathize with others, I mean, really empathize, is a gift. I know a lot of people share the same superpower as I do but it truly is two things I am good at and am very glad I possess.
    have a lovely day!

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  4. Annie says…

    Love all your links and enabling, Ali!! Andrea does beautiful work. My superpower...organization. I love it!

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  5. Laura Reaux says…

    I'm guessing my super power will sound a lot like some of the other commenters', but that's ok. ;) One of my super powers is that I make my kids feel like the most special and loved kids in the universe. After all, they really are to me!

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  6. Vianna says…

    My patience and persevearence are something I'm proud of - and my Harvest Pear Crisp, of course!

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  7. molly says…

    I'm so in.
    EDITING. first thing that came to mind, though -- if I don't mind saying so -- I have several.

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  8. Shannon says…

    My superpower is simple...
    I am equipped with a force field. When things aren't right in my sons's world I wrap them in my invisible force field (aka hug) and their troubles just bounce off them. This comes in particularily handy when they are having an extremely rough day. The nice thing is that it works for me too. Once I have them in my arms, I feel better as well.

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  9. natasha says…

    Feel like this supermom might be in the presence of kryptonite today.. a little weak from all the work of building a baby and shuffling toddler to the sitters,and feeding hungry dad, and getting to work ~ on time. But my super power is KNOWING WHERE THINGS ARE (bills, toys, socks, etc) & KNOWING WHEN MY FRIENDS NEED ME. Both of these powers are a little spooky at times. As I don't wear a cape or tights, a pretty necklace might help me stand out!
    PS, baby A's room is very pretty!

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  10. MandyK says…

    My Superhero power is multi tasking.With 3 kids (one special needs)I'm always doing at least 3 things at once. I make sure things get done and go smoothly.I never really thought of it as a superhero type thing since its something I just do but hey its kinda cool thinking of it as an SHpower.Thanks Ali!

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  11. Mindy says…

    Beautiful jewelry!
    I would guess my superpower would be organization and the ability to be "anal" about my work (which is a very good trait to have when you work in a hospital!).

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  12. natalie says…

    I had to sit and think about what makes me a super hero (that's kind-of this is a good little exercise...)
    I'm a labor and delivery nurse and I'd like to think I'm a super hero everytime I help one of those babies come into this world ;)
    I can't wait to find out what you're gonna name your new little one!

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  13. Meghan E says…

    My superpower is planning! I can plan one heck of a party, vacation, or scrapbook event :)

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  14. Jo Boland says…

    When I think of my superhero powers I think back to a Mothers Day card a received two years ago in which my husband had asked my eldest son (then 3) what the best thing about Mummy was, his answer "blowing up balloons". I like to think I have a few more superhero powers now, like finding missing toys!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jo B says…

    What beautiful necklaces!
    I have to say, my 'superpower' is probably a smile! No matter how bad it all looks, a smile can lift you and those around you!
    Smile at a stranger today, some might look at you odd, but if just one person smiles back you have cheered them up, if only for a moment!

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  16. Leah Grannison says…

    My superpower would be my listening ear. I can easily listen to friends and family vent, fall apart, whatever is needed so that they can get it out.

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  17. marytbing says…

    "I can do all things through Him who strenghtns me"! Phil.4:13 Mary<><

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  18. Cheryl says…

    Yeah. I have been eyeing her jewelry for some time.
    My superpower:
    1. teaching-I love to teach, to explain, to make things easier to learn
    2. encouraging-I hope people's lives are easier because of me, that they feel like they can carry on, that I can instill hope when that is needed, that I celebrate that they are alive, special and needed to the people are them.

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  19. Kristy says…

    I make pancakes...simple? yes. But it gets my two boys in the kitchen measuring, pouring etc and you can't imagine all the good things they tell you when they are distracted by flour and sugar :)

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  20. christen says…

    i am a great listener! and i love those necklaces :)

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  21. Jessica Larsen says…

    Hmmm...This is hard. I would have to say that I'm pretty good at staying calm during a crisis. It hasn't been tested that often, thankfully, but when it was, I didn't freak out. I was pretty calm and systematic about what needed to happen. I try to freak out later, when I have time :) Thanks!

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  22. Carol says…

    Thanks for this positive boost! Everyone would say I am creative, which is true, but I think that my best superpower has to be my faith which has pulled me through a lot and has given me hope when I have needed it.

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  23. Lynn M says…

    My superpower -- creating things with my hands. I love quilting, sewing, cross stitching, scrapbooking,baking; everything done with your hands. To sit down at the end of the day with a needle and thread calms me, or to smell a batch of cookies in the oven. Pure bliss.

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  24. Becky M says…

    I'd say my superhero in me is being able to get things done. Somehow I can balance my time (and with a list) I can be very productive on a daily basis.

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  25. Rebekah says…

    I think being a single mom to an autistic 6 year old, working full time, and still managing to finish my Master's degree is fairly impressive (although I will never admit it). So I think my superpower would have to be my drive and passion!

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