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You Are Worthy : You Are Enough : Brené Brown DVD Giveaway


For quite a number of years now, I have believed that scrapbooking is a way to own our story.

Through documentation and exploration and simply getting the story down on paper we come to know ourselves better. And as my friend Dr. Brené Brown says, "we gain access to our worthiness."

I first met Brené, a researcher, writer and professor, a few years back at our now annual Oregon Coast summer retreat. She is an exceptional woman who inspires me in so many ways, most especially through her concept of wholeheartedness. We bonded over some of our "better" type-A qualities, years & years of swimming, good old sarcasm, and the fact that we both "like our crazy right up front."

Karen did a great interview yesterday with Brené here.

BBrownCaseFrontMed This week Brené is celebrating the release of her new DVD titled The Hustle for Worthiness with a Week of Worthiness on her blog. To help her celebrate I am giving away one of these DVD's today.

One of my favorite ways to celebrate "who I am" and "what I believe" is to capture the ordinary moments of life - the moments that tell the real everyday stories of our family. Leave a comment below sharing one of your favorite ordinary moments for a chance to win Brené's new DVD.

Comments will be closed tonight at 8pm Pacific with the winner posted shortly after.

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389 thoughts

  1. Amanda Susan says…

    Brene's book is in my pile to read.

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  2. Ashley says…

    Sitting on the front porch watching the dogs run around the yard. This ordinary activity gives them so much joy and I love watching them!

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  3. Joey says…

    Hanging out with my adult kids. I love every minute of it!

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  4. annie says…

    On a Saturday morning, I love having a cup of coffee on the patio with my husband, while our kids run around the yard. So simple and yet it brings me immense joy :)

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  5. Lori Page says…

    Going out to breakfast on Sunday mornings with my best friend and husband Jim. Where we talk about our upcoming week and make plans for our day. Sundays we spend the day together having fun, I have a great life.

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  6. janie says…

    My ordinary moments of enjoyment has to be cooking for my family. This is the time that they all sit on the island, talk, and help out a little bit. Kitchens bring families together. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

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  7. Sharna says…

    I think a lot of women struggle with this.... Great give away!

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  8. sharna says…

    so excited I forgot my moment! it's those few moments lying in bed in the morning, before I actually get out of bed. I love that cozy warm feeling snuggled under my favorite quilt.

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  9. Courtney says…

    I am totally drawing a blank with this right now...which likely means I haven't experienced one in a VERY long time. Anything that will help me reconnect with the simple stuff and enjoy life again would be soooo appreciated.

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  10. g lindekugel says…

    The richness of supper at home and no particular place to go.

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  11. Susan says…

    i just clicked on her blog, i loved what i read. for me it's the ordinary moments when we are all together. the kids are playing, my husband and i squeeze into our favorite chair with our coffee and the crossword puzzle. i know with each passing year that someday the kids will be grown and the house will be quiet and i will long for the days of our children's laughter and a messy house. i try to savor those little seemingly insignificant moments that bring me such joy. susan

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  12. taniawillis says…

    snuggling on the couch with my kiddos, taking about their day at school.

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  13. Melissa says…

    As much as I adore my children, one of my favorite ordinary moments comes at almost the exact same time every day. At 8:15am I have come back from putting two of them on separate buses to school. I walk into the house and there is.... QUIET. There are still toys and breakfast dishes and jackets that were left in favor of better choices, there are the dogs looking at me with a "what do we do now, mom?" look. I can still "feel" the action in the air from the hustle-bustle of getting out the door on time, but suddenly everything has slowed down a speed and is giving me a few minutes to recoup for the day ahead. :))

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  14. Michelle Wooderson says…

    Great give away Ali. Your post yesterday and your post today are really hitting home. I love ordinary moments that bring about great conversation with my riding to town, taking a walk in the timber, sitting in the living room while we are all hooked up to our technology of choice, sitting around the dinner table. Just the small talk is what I love.

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  15. Amy says…

    Putting my two year old to bed. Last night I told him to give Piglet a kiss goodnight. He fumbled around looking for Piglet's arm saying "bib punch" and then squarely gave Piglet a fist pump. I guess that's what you do when your best friend is a little pig dressed in pink.

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  16. Jenny Rebecca says…

    One of my favorite ordinary moments is when my husband returns each week from traveling for work and our 2 1/2 year old daughter makes him go right up stairs and play dinosaur with her on her bed. He roars and tackles her while she squeals and laughs. :o)

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  17. Amy says…

    Cinnamon toast and tea for breakfast with my 12 year old son. He's at that difficult age where he's coming into his own self and trying to distance himself, a little bit, from parents and home. Mornings, even with the newspaper and ESPN, are still times we connect each day.

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  18. sandyh50 says…

    One of my favorite everyday moments now that I have an empty nest is to drink my first cup of coffee with sugar free french vanilla creamer while I am checking my facebook to see what my adult kids and my grandchildren are up to.

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  19. Lara says…

    I love family time in the evening before the kids go to bed. We love to play games like Uno, Yahtzee, etc., read books, watch t.v., whatever. Spending time together is all that matters.

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  20. Joy Buss says…

    Mornings. Waking up, the whole process of getting the kids out the door. Some days I drink in every moment because I know that some day it will not be so crazy. And I will miss it!I love this part of my story!

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  21. Jodee says…

    My fav ordinary moment is watching tv with my hubby. We relax on the couch and I usually put my feet in his lap and he will rub them. It's so comfortable and real.

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  22. Mary says…

    I've been wanting to say this for some time now; Ali, thank you for sharing yet another great website/person! I've found so many awesome things on your site, scrapbooking related or not, that has helped me to grow as a person (and hopefully a better mother), and get my/our family's story out.
    One of my favorite moments happens every morning when I hear my 2-year-old daughter's tiny footsteps walking from her room to the living room. I love the sounds her tiny feet make when hitting our bamboo floor (or any floor for that matter!). It marks the end of the morning calm and officially starts our day, which she usually fills with smiles and comedy.
    Thanks again Ali for all that you share!
    Be well =)

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  23. Sloopy says…

    My favorite ordinary moment is seeing my kids' faces in the morning and when they see me, watching them light up, smile huge and try to say, "Good morning." *sigh*
    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

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  24. Angie says…

    My favorite ordinary moment is when all the kids in the cul-de-sac come out on their bikes and big wheels and the parents stand around chatting in the warm evening air.

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  25. Kristen Card says…

    *Love* Brene Brown! Thanks for spreading her word, Ali!
    One of my favorite everyday moments comes when my 11yo daughter, who is all tweeny and often too cool not only for school but also for physical affection from Mom, holds my hand out in public while we walk. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I silently cherish it. :)

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