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Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. TraciS says…

    I would have to say my "superpower" ability to adjust to changes. When circumstances and life changes, I adapt to make the best of (most) every situation. In my field of education, this is no small feat. The ability to change and adapt to the needs of students is essential in teaching, and sadly many teachers lack that ability.

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  2. Traci Smith says…

    my dd says I make the best maybe I have the "super" cook power! or something! Great giveaway!

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  3. Jodee says…

    Mu hubby would say my superpower is being an awesome wife! He tells me that a lot! Love him for it too. I think one of my superpowers would be my scrapping skills and the ability to preserve our memories! Thanks for the giveaway! This jewelry is beautiful!

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  4. Cary Vanos says…

    Hi Ali, my superpower is making holidays and events extra special and making kids feel like there is magic involved. It is something I feel passionately about. Thanks Ali!

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  5. melissa w says…

    My super power is that I can power through the tough times. My dad died unexpectedly in October. He was 66. I was able to "keep it together" so I could plan the funeral, write the obituary and make a photo collage for the service. I am very proud of that.

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  6. Allison says…

    My superhero power is cleaning. I'm really great at deep-scrubbing, and it makes me happy to have a clean house for my hubby and kids. LOVE the necklaces!

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  7. Ann says…

    My superpower is teaching children to read. I teach 6th and 8th grade struggling readers. I use my powers everyday to convince these kids that they are smart and that they CAN be successful!

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  8. KatherineB says…

    Hi Ali
    My superpower is just the fact that I get through every day with my 2 boys - one of which is on the ASD spectrum.... just breathe......

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  9. Toni says…

    What a beautiful and colorful necklace. I am the superhero of stain removal. When my kids explore their creative sides with paint, sauce, mud...whatever it may be, they have no worry because my super powers are so powerful I can get ANY stain out! :)
    Ok, so it might not be that sentimental, but my kids never worry about getting in trouble for messing up their clothes...

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  10. Michelle Gidosh says…

    taking an idea or thought that someone has shared with me and using words to make is sound like the message they were trying to get across... in the most positivee and uplifting fashion of course.

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  11. cmdeb says…

    Thank you Andrea for Allie!!! You are a superhero to us all for introducing her to blogging.
    My favoritist super hero "power" is the ability to encourage. I don't realize that I do it and that's by God's grace.....sooooo encouragement is my super hero "power".

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Holly says…

    What a fun giveaway! I hope I win!
    I'm an EMT with a busy ambulance service. My superpower is driving fast (and carefully) to the scene of the call. I also can start an IV that is quick and painless. :-) Which is really nice when you have a kid in your truck who is scared of needles.
    Congrats on your new bundle of joy, Ali! We can't wait to meet her!

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  13. nic says…


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  14. Gayl Staffler says…

    I'm a great mom and I have two wonderful grown children to prove it: I'm warm, understanding, an advocate when they need help in their life journey, tough when they need a reality check. It's about superhero committment to my most memorable creations. I adore them.

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  15. Heather says…

    I love this artist's jewelery! It put me in a good mood just looking at it!
    My current superpower is finding a good deal. I 'm good and digging through stuff and finding fun things for pretty cheap whether its progject materials, clothes, handbags, or home decor.

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  16. A says…

    What a good question to think about! My superpower is a fairly new one, as I just acquired the spot less than a year ago... My superpower is to be an amazing half in a marriage with another amazing half! I've never done anything more amazing in my life than to be a wife to an my husband. :)
    Superpowers I'm working on... photographer and writer!

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  17. Laura says…

    I think I'm a superhero because I'm a role model. I have always tried to be the best mom to my boys and have always tried to do things they could use to be good humans and hopefully good parents. I put myself back through college while they were going to school. I set a goal and accomplished it and they celebrated my degree with me. I'm also a role model to the students I teach. Not only do I teach the curriculum, I teach how to be good community members and citizens of Earth. I guess I think it's a superpower to be able to teach and to be a mom, but I'd rather be known as the superhero they could use to immulate as a good person.

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  18. Lyn Meeker says…

    I totally ROCKED baldness when I was going through cancer treatments...and I considered the hot flashes that went along with it .. my own personal swamp cooler.

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  19. Nanette says…

    I have never thought of myself as a 'superhero' but I guess my superpowers would have to be...laughter. I would have to say that I have an infectious laugh. My daughter + I were at Walmart one time + we were on different aisles. Well, I started laughing at something and she could hear me + knew exactly where I was!! And I've also been told that people love my laugh.
    Thanks for encouraging me to think about this. :)
    And what a terrific giveaway, Ali!
    Hugs, Nanette

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  20. julie s. says…

    I love this question and think it might need to be the subject of a layout! My superpower must be getting my five year old son out of the door on time in the morning! I never guessed it would be this challenging

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  21. Michelle says…

    My friends tell me that my superpower is gracious words. After I have shared with someone, they often say, "The very sound of your voice makes me feel that everything is going to be OK!"

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  22. Amanda says…

    Talking. Though it used to make me mad when my mother said that, I realize now that it can make people feel more comfortable when someone just has something to say. Thought I have gotten better at listening, also :)

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  23. tara says…

    hmmmm my superpower? Being a Mom while working full time and trying to do photography which is a passion all of us share... so I guess juggling???

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  24. Amanda N. says…

    Well, my superpowers occur Monday-Friday's as I educate first graders-sometimes without heat in the room, no bathroom nor sink, and like today-a flying creature in the room (of course all while I put a big smile on my face, whick translates into their faces). I think tomorrow I shall pull out my magic ward and reveil my superhero status! :)

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  25. Serena Berry says…

    I think one of my superpowers is to have compassion for all people. I began reading Andrea's blog when she was trying to conceive Ben. I have always wanted one of her necklaces. She is an inspiring superwoman.

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