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Wednesday Giveaway : Superhero


Today I want to celebrate a wonderful blogger, jewelry artist, mother, and life coach who has become a friend: Andrea Scher of Superhero Designs. [ photo below by Boho Girl Denise Andrade ]

Andrea is the reason I began blogging back in 2004. I was working on a project for a workshop about designing with color (& color inspiration) and was searching the internet using the search terms "colorful jewelry." I stumbled onto Andrea's Superhero site (and of course I had to order a handmade necklace as part of my research), started reading her blog and checking out all her inspiring links, and decided then and there that what she was doing was cool and I wanted to start my own blog.  


I finally got to meet Andrea in person last summer after corresponding back and forth from time to time over the past four years. It was awesome. She has a heart of gold, a wonderful written voice, and a gift for helping people get in touch with their own inner superhero.

Today, lucky readers, Andrea is giving away a one of her fantastic, colorful bead necklaces. In addition, she has a special holiday sale happening now that includes $20 off necklaces bead necklaces. Passion would make a great gift for a special friend (or a suggestion for a spouse who may need a little help in choosing a Valentine gift).

Here's a little FAQ on her lovely necklaces. She has also added these very cool silver pendant necklaces to her offerings.

To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment that highlights your own personal superpower (or superpowers). And before you think you have none, stop and consider the possibility
for a moment. What is something you are just awesome at? Take a
minute to be proud of something about ourselves and share it publicly.
I bet you are your very own superhero in some very special way.

Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winner posted shortly after.

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1663 thoughts

  1. Alnette says…

    Ohhhh pretty necklace! My superpower? My husband has crazy schedule at work BUT no worries, I have superpower to take care of our two girls plus all the other stuff such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc..etc..

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  2. Heather says…
    01/28/2009 goes! My superpower--trying my best to be a good friend, daughter and sister. Trying my best to show my love for those around me. Love the necklace! Thanks.

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  3. Jennifer Tobler says…

    I love the Superhero blog, and I love her designs! My super power ... hmmm. My daughter is 6 months old, so I'm still pretty amazed that women have the ability to actual give birth. So I'm gonna go with that - create and give life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Julie says…

    Well Ali, since you have allowed all your readers to give themselves a day to express how we are "Super Hero's" I will tell you how I am a super hero at work. I am a dialysis nurse. This title does not in any way state all the hats I have to wear in one day. My patients need every part of patience, love, comfort, caring, laughter, reassurance, and many more feelings every day from me in order for them to continue on. Some days it is very hard being compassionate to someone who you know has caused these problems and continues each day to make the same choices. But other days a patient may be very compliant with their restrictions, but still receive bad news of a new more severe diagnosis than kidney failure. So for me, I am thankful I can be there to help my patients through these times, whether good or bad. I have found my "SUPER HERO" calling.

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  5. Anna A. says…

    My superhero power would be that I am a modern day Annie Oakley. If it needs to be done, I get it done. Kids in tow, hammer in one hand, high heels, no matter. I just get 'er done. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jennifer Tobler says…

    I love the Superhero blog, and I love her designs! My super power ... hmmm. My daughter is 6 months old, so I'm still pretty amazed that women have the ability to actual give birth. So I'm gonna go with that - create and give life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jen says…

    Oh no -- if you asked me what kind of superhero I WANTED to be, I would have no problem answering that, but blowing my own horn does not come naturally. My husband calls me a superhero, and my kids say I'm the best mom in the world, and once in a while I get a vote for best teacher in the yearbook. I just focus on trying to be the best me I can be, and remember there's always room for improvement.

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  8. Holly says…

    My superpower? Staying sane with 3 kids working at cross-purposes to me every morning. Running the household that includes those 3 kids and a great husband, too.
    I also totally rock at making friends and keeping them for a long time (my husband mentioned this superpower just recently, and the fact that he recognized it and complimented me on it made it that much sweeter).

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  9. Sandy says…

    I can stare down a class of middle schoolers without a word, causing them to open their books and read.

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  10. Pam K says…

    I am creative and a good organizer of activities. I like to get the ball rolling. I also am good at figuring out how to make most anything my kids through at me (creative on the fly). Thanks for the chance to win and to reflect positively on myself!

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  11. Jennifer Burchell says…

    I love Superhero necklaces, gotta have one! My superherp ability is listening, and knowing when to listen. Sometimes you just need to be heard, I'm your gal!

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  12. Katie says…

    My superpower... I guess that would have to be that I have an almost three year old son who is potty trained, well mannered, cute as can be, can write his name (so that it is readable!) and has an amazing compassion for other people that often boggles my mind. I don't know what I'm doing right but it seems to be working.
    Another superpower would be that I have attracted the most wonderful group of friends I could have ever wished for and they love me even at my worst!

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  13. Jennifer says…

    My power is honesty - sometimes to my detriment.

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  14. Libbi M. says…

    i'm great at keeping my laundry caught up, i'm great at keeping the dishes clean and put away. when my superhero powers do this, i feel like i can take on the rest of the house like a superwoman.

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  15. heather says…

    wow that's a lot of comments. my superhero power is the ability to extract legos and polly pocket shoes from my 4 year olds nose. oh and to find humor in just about every situation.

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  16. Brianne McConnell says…

    I think my superpower would be my smile and ability to make people laugh in any situation!!!

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  17. Stephanie says…

    I hope to think that I am a super mother!

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  18. Sian says…

    What a beautiful necklace. My superpower is that I'm willing to work very very hard when needed. I don't consider myself 'talented', but I make up for it with tenacity and putting lots of time into things.

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  19. Suzie Button says…

    Hi Ali,
    I am a superwoman at captioning, which is my job! I can write up to 300 wpm on a stenography machine! It just takes lots of practice! Suzie

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  20. amy s. says…

    does managing to get through the day as a mom to a 13 year old daughter count as a superpower? all you mom's of 13 year old girls know what i am talking about!

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  21. Trindin says…

    My superpower is.....special education teacher to all who need me.....I have a diverse group of learners who challenge me everyday inside and out! I would never trade the job for any other job!
    Love your site too, it inspires me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Renee Spindler says…

    My superpower is the gift of gab-never met a stranger. It is a gift from my Dad; )

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  23. claudia says…

    People have told me they enjoy my photography, and I do homeschool my boys, but I would have to say my best superhero power is being positive and optimistic in almost any situation. I would have to thank the Lord for that one most!!

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  24. HeatherOz says…

    I guess my super power would be that I can easily adapt and get along with any type of personality/person.

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  25. cheryl yelverton says…

    Ali, i put alot of thought into this.i looked at all the hats i wear and deleted the ones that every mom wears. then i deleted the ones that every nurse wears. then i looked at what was left... the one superpower that i use regularly is to" wash the feet " of my patients. In the Bible Jesus washed the feet of his desciples in love and as an example to them. When i am caring for a patient who's feet have been neglected for whatever reason,i wash them,message them ,trim and file thier nails,remove dead skin and any other care thier feet need. I don't really give this much thought but my coworkers think this is a superpower and they readily admit they cannot do this. Recently my best friend said her father was being taken advantage of by his podiatrist's clinicians by trimming his nails and charging him $100. SO, i went over and cared for his feet on a couple of occassions and he now thinks i can leap tall buildings.
    My superpower is caring for people's sole from the heart of my soul.
    Thank you for this experience, ms.cheryl

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